Paid survey. Paid surveys, surveys for money

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Paid surveys for money

Paid surveys

Surveys for money- one of the most popular ways to work online. This is due to the fact that this type of earnings is very fast. Unlike real surveys for money - internet surveys They take little time, you will spend about 5-15 minutes on one survey, and you can earn about fifty rubles. Agree - 50 rubles for 10 minutes is not so bad!

In general, about 2000 rubles per month through paid surveys on the Internet It’s quite possible to make money, and given the fact that it won’t take you much time, I advise you to master this type of income.

Paid surveys for money

Why paid surveys on the Internet very comfortable?

Yes, because to participate in them you just need to register with all companies that provide earnings on surveys for money - and be sure to indicate the correct email address. After this invitation to paid surveys will be sent to you by email regularly.

I repeat - you need to register in all projects with paid surveys, because your income directly depends on this. The more companies you register, the more invitations to paid surveys you will receive - and the more money you will earn from it!

Here is a list of companies that offer participating in paid surveys for money- registration in all projects is free:

Myiyo- here for surveys you will receive points, which can later be exchanged for rubles and received in different ways. We recommend that you complete your profile completely and confirm your email address. This way you will earn your first points and will be able to receive more invitations by email.

Bigpoll- after completing quick registration you receive 80 rubles. to the account as a gift. A good company that pays money for online research.

Workle- a popular site for working on the Internet without investment. Sometimes you can earn money here through paid online surveys, but in general this resource specializes in obtaining real Internet professions.

Rublklub- For completing registration you receive 150 rubles to your account. A good survey site where, in addition to money, you can purchase discount coupons for online stores. He often conducts daily surveys, so the minimum withdrawal amount is reached very quickly. You can withdraw your earnings to a Qiwi wallet, PayPal or phone. Be sure to fill out your profile in detail, then invitations to surveys will come regularly! I advise you to work more actively with this project.

I advise everyone to try this method of making money on the Internet. These are, of course, not paid surveys, but this earning and surveys for money have one very important similarity: In both cases you spend very little time. Moreover, you spend even less on earning money on social networks. Here you can work for a minute and earn 2 - 4 rubles. Accordingly, in 10 - 15 minutes, you will receive from 20 to 60 rubles. As you can see, the income figures are almost the same as for paid surveys. Be sure to try it - making money is even easier!

Surveyharbor- a good survey company with payments on webmoney and PayPal. Register and start earning money.

Paid questionnaire is another very good paid survey company. Sends 3-5 invitations per month.

Here are all the survey sites where you can actually make money now. If you want to promptly learn about the emergence of new companies offering surveys for money, then I advise you to join our VKontakte group -

Well, a Russian person cannot live without freebies! This is probably inherent at our genetic level: to believe that you can earn money without making any effort. Comrades, remember! You can't even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty!

Since a hellish mixture of all kinds of blood flows in my veins, including Russian, I am also constantly looking for sources of freebies, that is, additional (preferably passive) income.

My ordeal on the Internet in search of easy money gave me the idea that making money on surveys and online questionnaires is not a bad idea.

Naive, what can you do? And so, with my characteristic frenzied, I would even say cretinous enthusiasm, I began to register on all questionnaires indiscriminately, killing many hours of my life filling out a portfolio and passing the qualifying stages.

In general, I am sharing with you my invaluable experience, how I tried to make money on questionnaires and surveys without investing and withdrawing money, and what came of it in the end. Everything that will be said next is the pure truth.

What to consider?

Please note that you are unlikely to be able to earn at least 20 thousand rubles a month from online surveys. No, I'm not a pessimist, I'm just a real user (and still am, by the way) who knows what he's talking about.

Of course, you can break all your veins, register on a hundred sites and spend 8-10 hours a day filling out questionnaires to earn the notorious 20 thousand wooden ones. But with the same success you can go to a real job, get an official job and earn at least one and a half times more.

But a couple of thousand a month for “candy” - yes. Really, and without any special investments (not counting the effort, time spent, costs of electricity and computer operation), working on three or four proven questionnaires.

When you create a profile on any online questionnaire, remember: you cannot talk about your miserable existence. Just don’t be indignant here: if you are looking for ways to make extra money on the Internet, then your finances are clearly tight. Well, or you're just greedy, like me. Marketers/survey organizers are only interested in the opinion of the IDEAL CONSUMER.

The ideal consumer - what is he like?

  • A resident of a metropolis (Moscow or St. Petersburg, sponsors are not interested in other half-dead cities in Russia).
  • He is in the prime of his life (25-45 years old).
  • He has a higher education.
  • He has his own apartment and a dacha/cottage outside the city.
  • He has two children of different ages, but is planning another child.
  • He has a high salary (100-200 thousand per month).
  • He is the head of the family and makes major purchasing decisions.
  • He cannot imagine his life without television, the Internet, radio and expensive magazines.
  • He spends less than 25% of his monthly income on utilities and food.
  • He has a good job (middle manager, builder, engineer, technical specialist, IT specialist, who makes major decisions at his job or influences their adoption. This is important, we will return to this issue later).
  • He spends a lot and buys a lot, including expensive equipment.
  • He loves and knows how to have fun.
  • He takes care of himself, monitors his appearance and health.
  • He smokes, but wants to quit, but he can’t.
  • He drinks alcohol, including high-end spirits, at least a couple of times a month.
  • He has a lot of things, but he wouldn’t mind getting something new, more modern.
  • He has a good car, no older than 5 years: not luxury, but not economy either. However, he is seriously considering buying another car.
  • He regularly flies domestic and international, both for business and pleasure.
  • He has a mini-zoo at home: cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, fish.
  • Despite his financial security, he is a completely sick person. He has gastritis, myopia, dandruff, allergies, excess weight, caries and problems with potency. However, he does not have any rare, severe or incurable health problems. He regularly goes to both the district public clinic and private doctors.
  • At the same time, he is an ardent fan of sports, preferably extreme sports (because the equipment there is expensive - can you feel it?). He exercises at least three times a week.
  • He has a lot of insurance and loans, and actively uses banking products.

Advice! When filling out a portfolio in an online questionnaire, you must create an image of an ideal consumer, even if you are not one. There is no need to exaggerate greatly, indicating in your data that you are the general director of an oil producing company and you have a Jaguar car (because such people do not sit on online surveys in the hope of earning a couple of hundred free rubles). Your task is to present yourself as a successful person, a typical representative of the middle class with a stable (quite high, but without fanaticism) income. The more closely you match the image of the ideal consumer, the more often you will be sent invitations to surveys.

This is what my personal profile looks like on one popular online questionnaire, from which I consistently receive one survey once a week, and sometimes two (yes, accept it, surveys will come rarely, and that’s normal!).

Lifehacks and personal developments

Lifehacks that I personally developed when filling out virtual questionnaires to participate in marketing research on the Internet:

Always remember what you have stated in your profile. Screening surveys, which usually make up half of the study and are designed to collect basic information from you without paying you, are very insidious.

They ask you screening questions from your profile in order to then mercilessly weed you out from completing the survey due to the unreliability of the information you provide.

For example, if you indicated in your account that you live in St. Petersburg, but in the paid study itself you write that you live in Moscow, do not be surprised that you will be excluded from taking the test.

Never indicate that you or your family members work in commerce, marketing research, sales, retail, manufacturing or related fields! Typically this question will be asked at the very beginning of the study. It looks something like this: “Do you or someone you know work in one of the following areas...”.

Your answer should be “Other” or what you indicated in your profile (engineer, builder). The organizers of the study are interested in the opinions of different consumers, and not their own colleagues.

Read carefully and remember the questions asked when filling out a paid online application. Even if you pass the screening stage and are accepted into the study, you may be asked a follow-up question midway through the process to check your accuracy and identify any inconsistencies in your answers.

If you fail, you will be suspended, and in some cases they will also lower your rating and no longer send surveys.

When asked a question with multiple answers (for example, what cosmetic brands do you know), do not check all the options in a row - it looks suspicious and there is a high risk of being rejected.

Try to choose the brands that are most popular and in demand among the middle class (those that are advertised on TV) - as a rule, they are the ones who sponsor the study.

How to deceive the Internet - questionnaire

“What are you talking about?! How did you even get this into your head?! You need to play by fair rules!” – you will definitely never hear this from me. Since an online study can exclude you after 30 minutes of completing the survey (yes, get used to it, this will happen in most cases), then you can deceive “them” a little. You will need:

  • Ideally: two or even more personal computers (desktop, laptop, netbook).
  • At worst: one computer with several browsers that do not save browsing history and do not collect cookies.

All this can be set in the browser settings. Often, sites simply do not open if you have set the settings to prohibit the collection of cookies. In this case, do not be lazy to clear your browsing history and cookies every time before opening the survey website.

I personally generally use the anonymous Tor browser to take surveys so that sites have no chance of tracking my IP.

Let's say you have already chosen an online questionnaire to your liking (I will provide a list of reliable resources below) and decided to work on it. From different browsers, using different email accounts for registration, you can create two completely opposite profiles: one for men, the other for women, of different ages and with residence in different cities.

Of course, you will have to keep in mind the data of two questionnaires at once (remember that such questionnaires periodically ask control questions from your profile), but the end justifies the means - twice as many surveys and money. I don’t recommend creating more profiles on one online questionnaire - you will quickly get confused and “burn” yourself. Your account/s will simply be blocked.

If all your “characters” have “taken root” on the online survey site, don’t rush to rejoice. Because we still need to resolve the issue of how to withdraw our hard-earned pennies.

You cannot indicate the same withdrawal method on two different profiles - you will be suspected and blocked. Before registering, always check what methods the platform uses to withdraw funds.

If there are several (withdrawal to a mobile phone, virtual wallets, card), then feel free to create several profiles, remembering to indicate different withdrawal methods in the settings.

If the portal offers only one withdrawal method, then it is better not to experiment with different accounts. Or create several electronic wallets in advance on the appropriate resource, if this is not troublesome for you.

The best questionnaires for making money on the Internet

I don’t know what other people write on different sites, I am sharing my personal experience with you, I subscribe to every word and guarantee its accuracy. All online surveys listed below PAY. They do not require additional financial investments from you, and registration for them is free.

Internet – questionnaire

The very first and, as it turned out, the most generous online questionnaire is the Internet questionnaire. There are a lot of negative reviews about this project, but I know for sure that they are all about nothing (I will provide a screenshot of the payments below).

It’s just that impatient people couldn’t wait until they reached the minimum amount for withdrawal (500 rubles), and abandoned participation in this project, having previously written angry reviews wherever possible.

Platform advantages:

  1. If you fill out your profile correctly (and I taught you how to fill out your profile), questionnaires arrive with enviable regularity - once a week or more often.
  2. Expensive surveys range from 50 to 400 rubles, although they can last from 15 minutes to three hours.
  3. The portal offers to install an additional browser extension, for which you will also be awarded 10 rubles per week. The extension tracks your online activity. I personally did not install it.
  4. The minimum withdrawal amount is reached in a couple of months. I think if you install the extension it will be faster.
  5. Money arrives in your wallet within 7 days. Often - on the third or fourth.
  6. Customer support. Requests are processed quickly (about a day), and my question has never been ignored.
  7. A consoling 5 rubles to your account if the system rejects you for further completion of the survey.
  8. Several withdrawal methods: mobile phone, donation to a charity fund.

Disadvantages of the platform:

  1. Registration is by invitation only. I was able to register through an advertising banner on the Internet (on the Mamba dating site).

– a good questionnaire with a low minimum amount for withdrawal – 300 rubles.

Pros of the Project:

  1. Surveys arrive very often (several times a week).
  2. Cost – 20-40 rubles, lasts 15-30 minutes.
  3. Payment occurs the next day after the withdrawal request is submitted.
  4. Withdrawal methods: Webmoney, PayPal, donation to charity.
  5. Extensions for various browsers with notifications about new surveys.
  6. There is a referral program like “invite a friend - get extra points.”


  1. Funds are credited to your balance for participating in the survey only after 14 days, when the study sponsors check your answers for quality. Half of the completed surveys are not paid, even if it seems to you that you did not cheat and answered honestly. For this reason, I eventually stopped participating in this project.

is another online paid survey project that has undeservedly received a lot of negative reviews. It’s strange, because the platform actually pays out.

Moreover, it was on this site that I created two different accounts and withdrew funds from both. True, the first one, in the end, came under suspicion, and my rating was lowered to 70%, surveys began to come less frequently, but I still raised the minimum wage (500 rubles).

Pros of the project:

  1. There is a community on VKontakte where administrators try to convince users around the clock that their project is not a scam.
  2. Three withdrawal methods: Webmoney, mobile phone, donation.
  3. A referral program that rewards you with 15.50 rubles for each freebie seeker you attract to the project.
  4. Withdrawals take up to 14 days.


  1. Rare surveys (a couple per month).


  • There is a mobile application for taking surveys from your phone.
  • Withdrawing funds to PayPal, Skrill.
  • Payment occurs one day after submitting an application for withdrawal of funds.
  • Referral program – 20 rubles for each new recruit.
  • Minuses:

    1. Rare and cheap surveys (10-40 rubles).

    I cannot talk about another online questionnaire without regret. ClixSense. A foreign questionnaire, which I followed for a long time and firmly for several years, withdrawing 8-10 dollars weekly from three different accounts.

    It was a glorious time... I managed to “hack” them, that is, reveal the secret of how you can take the same surveys several times from one account, and I had three of them! I filled out 20 surveys on this site every week!

    But then the site changed. They first canceled the withdrawal to PayPal, then began checking profile information through their own channels.

    In particular, if you indicate your place of work as Lukoil, they create a request to the company (or in some other way) to check whether it is true that you work there. Then the sponsor of the surveys changed, and it became impossible to complete them from different accounts.

    I know that the portal is used by a lot of people all over the world, because it really pays out. You can familiarize yourself, and if the conditions for participation in the project suit you, then register without hesitation. You will definitely be paid.

    By the way, the project’s activities are not limited to invitations to participate in online research. It offers several ways to make money on the Internet without investment, in particular by viewing advertisements.

    The Toluna and GlobalTestMarket platforms also pay money for participating in online marketing research. But their payments are so meager and accumulate for so long that I quickly abandoned these projects.

    Scam and divorce

    I can’t say for sure that the online questionnaires below are a scam and a scam, due to the fact that I never fully figured it out. But I didn’t fully find out because invitations to surveys from these projects come a couple of times a year at most.

    • JTN Panel
    • AskGfK

    My opinion. By the way, this is really a scam. When the amount of accumulated points approaches the minimum for receiving a prize (no money is given), your account is simply blocked. Technical support gives the answer that “your account never existed in the system” and offers to register again. Yeah, of course. How did I receive invitations from you by email then? No, the portal doesn’t scam you; on the contrary, it pays out money (100 rubles minimum), only 4 months after submitting an application for withdrawal of funds, when all hope has already faded away.

    A new way to cheat on questions and surveys has emerged. Scammers offer big money for simple answers. More details at the link below!


    Earning money from paid questionnaires and surveys on the Internet, unfortunately, remains at the level of theory. It seems possible, but in practice, who knows... The majority of proposed surveys are long, boring and cheap.

    To earn at least twenty thousand rubles a month, you will have to work harder on these surveys than a milling operator at a pipe-rolling plant.

    I personally participate in online research today only to somehow compensate for my monthly Internet and telephone costs; I can’t count on more. However, a couple thousand a month won’t be too much.

    You already have a list of proven online questionnaires. Go for it if you have nothing else to do!

    Questionnaires (or how to make money on your opinion) - Quite a popular way to make money. In most cases, it is suitable for people who have a lot of free time.

    By expressing your opinion in online surveys, you earn money and help marketing companies improve their products. Now check out the contents of the article:

    List of the best questionnaires on the Internet

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the websites on how to make money from surveys. The information will indicate the main advantages: the approximate cost of surveys, the minimum withdrawal amount and reliability history.

    Clixsense (Ysense) - A rich and popular foreign questionnaire, which includes a Russian version of the site. Surveys are received from 6 US research companies. From 5 to 15 surveys are received daily! Survey fees vary from 1$ to 5$, sometimes reaches $10, which indicates the impressive budgets poured into these surveys. It takes no longer to complete than other questionnaires. Other tasks are also available. Withdrawal from only $10. We recommend! Review of earnings on Clixsense .

    Questions (Questionnaire) is an international questionnaire that is famous for its minimum payment threshold - 100 rubles (25 UAH). You need to complete 2-3 surveys to withdraw your first money. Withdrawal of money is carried out in different ways: Yandex money, LiqPay, WebMoney, mobile phone, bank card and individual transfer: Unistream, Privatmoney, Western Union. Surveys are sent by email, but it is possible to work on the website. 24/7 email support. You are also entitled to a monetary reward for active communication on the forum. A referral program is also present (10%). – a questionnaire that has been working since 2014, which can already be on par with famous projects, similar to the Questionnaire. The main feature of the site is the combination of a Questionnaire and a Cashback service. Taking surveys is quite easy, the average earnings of participants is 30 rubles. for one questionnaire. Payments are made to the famous PayPal payment system, which guarantees reliability. Read more about reviews and payments at special RublKlub review .

    PLATNIJOPROS (Paid survey) - Founded by the company The main focus of the company is the unity of opinion of the countries of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia on all kinds of issues. It has been operating since 2009 and has proven itself to be a very reliable and profitable project. More than 2.5 million people have already registered on the questionnaire. For one survey: from 30 rub. up to 200 rub. and you can get this money in 15 minutes. Questions come faster than many competitors. There is a referral program. Withdrawal of money takes place on Webmoney. The minimum withdrawal amount has always changed, at the moment it is 300 rubles. There are additional extensions for browsers so you don’t have to wait for surveys to be sent to your email.

    How to start making money on surveys?

    First, you need to register on the survey website. Registration is quick and there are usually no problems with it. Next, the most important thing is filling out your profile. The number of surveys sent to you depends on how you fill out your profile. In most cases, all surveys are sent to an email address.

    1. Do not register accounts in the mailer, sometimes there are problems.
    2. Complete all surveys conscientiously and thoughtfully, because your every action is monitored by special mechanisms created for online surveys.
    3. Use many sites of similar type to get high profit per day.
    4. For your convenience, we recommend registering under one email address for all surveys.

    The letters always indicate the average completion time and how much money you will receive in the end. Therefore, the longer the transit time, the higher the cost of the survey. The maximum travel time varies from 40 to 50 minutes, with a minimum of 5 minutes, although it may be less. They pay differently, because it all depends on the sender of the survey. The price varies from 10 rubles and sometimes reaches 200.

    Worth mentioning and foreign online questionnaires

    Surveysavvy- A very famous foreign questionnaire that has been operating for more than 10 years. The pay here is astronomical! From 2-3$ to 60$ per survey! True, surveys come about 2-3 times a month, the price is justified. As mentioned earlier, by creating several accounts, you can safely earn a lot of money from surveys. But many people report problems with withdrawals, so it’s up to you to decide.

    The service also pleases with high affiliate rates: 1st level referral - $2, and 2nd level referral - 1$. Agree that these are great prices. This is because Surveysavvy is foreign; we have never seen such prices in the CIS countries. Take advantage of the opportunity.

    Neobux- has fame all over the world and a large number of surveys coming in. It has been operating since 2008 and during this time the project has managed to pay out $30 million to users. This is not a full-fledged survey, it’s more of a drag-and-drop tool, but there are still a lot of surveys centered around it. For convenient passage, use an online translator. The minimum withdrawal is only $2 to Payza and Nateller wallets.

    Internet survey- Russian-language questionnaire, opened in 2009. It focuses its research on the Russian and Ukrainian markets, while passing by other countries. Withdrawal of funds from 500 rubles only to the phone.

    I-say- began to gain popularity in 1999 and was recognized as the best in recent years (by popular vote). Of all the countries of the former Soviet Union, only users from the Russian Federation are accepted. Payment varies from 30 - 80 rubles and is made to Paypal wallets. It is worth mentioning rewards in the form of certificates from well-known online stores, like Ozon.

    For English-language surveys, use the built-in translator in the Google Chrome browser.

    Money for surveys - why do they pay so much?

    In most cases, this is marketing research. It is extremely important for commercial companies to know the opinion of each consumer about his preferences in food, clothing, cars, work and other various commercial products.

    By completing surveys, marketers create graphs of consumer behavior, thereby correcting errors and shortcomings.

    At the moment, surveys are being conducted through special questionnaires (intermediary sites). But previously, company employees had to personally interact with people on the street, as well as call the phone numbers of potential clients.

    And yes, Western survey providers value people’s opinions very highly and therefore the prices should not be surprising. In the CIS countries, the profession of a marketer is not very popular; here it is generally accepted that people themselves do not know what they want, which may be the right idea

    Video about making money from surveys

    In the final part, especially for lazy readers, an excellent video was found on the Internet that fully explains how to make money from surveys on the Internet. You can see information about all the questionnaires presented in the video in the same article, just above.

    In addition to Russian-language questionnaires, there are also foreign ones that pay amounts of money that exceed expectations! You can view it at any time

    Online surveys that pay you money

    How much can you earn from online surveys?

    Participating in online surveys, as well as completing tasks, will not bring you much income. At the same time, this activity is suitable as additional income, especially taking into account its accessibility and, moreover, it does not require any investment. In this article, we will look at what a survey business is, who pays for what, and how much you can earn from it.

    What are the mechanics of a survey business and what do they pay for?

    I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

    Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

    The main goal of population surveys is research, when public opinion is analyzed and summarized in order to obtain a real picture of consumer preferences. For example, several hundred respondents are simultaneously surveyed about how a new car model will be received by buyers, how they would like to see its design, equipment, what promotions to launch to support sales, etc. Why do you pay for surveys when you can just ask people to answer questions? The obstacle is that no one will fill out voluminous sheets with several dozen questions for free. Therefore, in the West, and then in Russia, a business emerged on this basis in which large specialized online platforms compete. They sell their intermediary services to marketing agencies, and they, in turn, sell to global brands with large marketing budgets. The final customer can also be sociological services, which also experience an acute shortage of voluntary respondents. The fact that you fill out a consumer questionnaire does not mean that you personally use the advertised product. This does not even mean that you held it in your hands and have an idea about it. This is the art of the performer: quickly finding the necessary information and presenting it correctly.

    Earning money from surveys, although it falls into the category of earning income without investments, is noticeably different from the previously discussed earnings from clicks and tasks. The latter are impersonal and accessible to almost anyone. Surveys require an individual approach to the performer and contain certain requirements for your professional qualifications, level of education and breadth of outlook. Therefore, you will only receive profiles that match your profile. For example, if you are a man, you are unlikely to receive questions about women's cosmetics. Working with the site begins with standard registration, but then the process, compared to surfing and tasks, becomes more complicated. You will be asked to fill out a fairly lengthy questionnaire about yourself in order to verify your profile and understand what surveys and how many you will receive. By the way, many sites, in order to attract more users, pay for the very fact of filling out personal data. Next, you complete a trial survey, based on which your skill level and abilities will be determined. All that remains is to wait for the tasks from the service to arrive by email. At first, there are usually few surveys, because you don’t yet have an established reputation and corresponding rating on the site, then the number of orders will grow.

    Which survey services are worth considering?

    Sites specializing in consumer surveys are colloquially called questionnaires. On some sites, points are awarded as payment, followed by an exchange for money as the threshold amount accumulates (usually 10:1). On others, payments are immediately denominated in rubles or foreign currency. I will focus on five services that support the Russian language and have a reputation for paying. You can choose other options; there are more than enough of them on the Internet. - positions itself as the largest Russian-language project in its niche, with more than a million participants. The average price of a survey is low - 30 rubles. There are bonus and referral programs, prize draws. Feature: pays 5 rubles. for a survey that you did not qualify for. The minimum withdrawal requirement is high - 1000 rubles, and only to a mobile phone account or to charity. There is an Expert+ application that increases the chances of receiving questionnaires and more quickly searching for information.

    Pays on average 30-50 rubles. for the survey. Clients include Ford, Sberbank, Kitekat, Danone, etc. Withdrawal of funds to WebMoney or to your phone after accumulating 500 points. Verification and withdrawal take about two weeks. For each referral they pay an additional 15.5 rubles. on account.

    • Paid survey (

    Designed for Russian-speaking audiences in the countries of the former USSR. The main counterparty is the Swedish analytical center CINT. The number of members stated on the site is more than 2.7 million, but I believe not all of them are active users. Withdrawing money from 300 rubles to WebMoney. It is possible to quickly receive questionnaires via RSS feed. - the service is proud of its clients: Google, Coca-Cola, Nestle, IKEA, Yandex, Martini, which speaks of its reliable reputation. The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles. Respondents are selected using a random sampling method that takes into account the participant's profile.

    • Withdrawal only to phone or to charity;
    • There is no referral program.

    Ask GFK Russia

    Partner of the global marketing agency GFK. Profiles on this service are considered one of the most expensive, on average 80-120 rubles. Withdrawal upon accumulation of 3000 points (equivalent to 300 rubles). Payment is due no earlier than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. To expand your capabilities, you can try to enter the expanses of the bourgeoisie. English-language surveys pay more in dollars. Questionnaires can be searched on foreign websites operating in the CIS: Feebbo Russia (Spain), (USA), (India), (England), MYIYO (global service, operates in 15 countries) . A plus is the presence of Russian sites with a clear interface. The downside is a more complex withdrawal system, for example, through a prize - a prepaid MasterCard card.

    Common to all questionnaires:

    • You must be in the reference (target) group to receive an order;
    • The reward is not paid immediately, but after verification, up to 2 weeks or even once a month;
    • You must be at least 16 years old (or have the consent of a guardian) as you provide detailed personal information in your profile;
    • You need to get yourself a walletWebmoney;
    • The use of bots to generate answers to questions is prohibited;
    • You cannot create more than one account on one site, the punishment is eternal ban;
    • All large projects have the option of donating to charity, as this is part of the corporate culture of the customer corporations.

    Important: Beware of scam sites, of which there are plenty in this niche. Before registering, try on the site the universal signs of a reliable site:

    • Age – from 3 years;
    • Impressive user statistics;
    • Cooperation with global brands;
    • A clear payment policy without freezing funds;

    Often many people have a desire to start making money on the Internet; probably someone from your circle has been successfully working remotely for a long time. There are already enough ways to generate income on the Internet, but it’s worth considering an interesting niche - various paid surveys for money, since this is an already studied and acceptable method of generating income, which is also accessible to any beginning freelancers. You will not need to have an expensive computer, a lot of free time, or an advanced degree or special knowledge.

    Paid Internet surveys are a way of earning money that is not difficult for ordinary people of completely different age categories, since the meaning of such earnings is quite simple. You only need to fill out the questionnaires that come to you and for each completely completed task you will be awarded a monetary reward. At the moment, various survey systems are operating successfully and continue to gain momentum, which in good faith pay honestly earned money to their participants. At the same time, you will be able not only to earn money, but also to keep abreast of the latest trends, which is also important. This is why this method of earning money is interesting for a huge number of users.

    Paid surveys are a great opportunity to earn extra money!

    What are paid surveys for money?

    Surveys for money are a method of earning money, studied by a huge number of participants, which continues to be relevant for a long time and is similar at the moment. Once you start making money using this method, you will have the opportunity to earn good additional income, but you need to take your work extremely seriously. The main thing to understand from the very beginning is that different services provide different requirements for partnership. Any user has the right to choose the most suitable option that will meet his priorities.

    The reward for a fully completed task can be expressed both in money and in the form of bonuses, which, when certain limits are reached, can be exchanged for various goods or services. Before registering, you must have a clear understanding of why and by whom this type of survey is conducted, since surveys always have a purpose. It lies in the fact that this particular type of survey provides an opportunity for manufacturers of goods and services to receive first-hand information about their work with clients. Then it will be applied so that the company can carry out its activities most successfully, fully complying with the desires of consumers.

    Considering the above, it becomes clear that the point of surveys for money is to obtain maximum data on the performance of a company. The latter are happy to pay money for the opportunity to correct even small mistakes in their work. You don't have to worry about the difficulty of surveys because all surveys are designed to be simple. The main thing is to give honest answers, based only on my experience.

    If we talk about the cost of participating in a paid survey, then your income can vary from 10 to 100 rubles. The time taken can also vary, and the shortest study takes an average of fifteen minutes. The longest survey takes about forty minutes. The more difficult the survey, the higher your final earnings will be. It should also be noted that it is not forbidden to participate in several services at the same time with the goal of generating the greatest profit. It is required to complete the questionnaires in full, since otherwise the payment will not be credited in full or will not be credited at all.

    Rating of verified paid survey sites on the Internet

    It can be assumed that most beginners are curious to understand how to take paid surveys for personal income. First, we'll provide some guidance on how to most productively participate in paid research. First of all, it is better to register immediately on all the verified sites listed below that provide the opportunity for such work to their participants. During the registration process, you are required to provide your valid personal email address, in addition, all other information about you must be truthful. You will then start receiving paid survey invitations to your email. The profile in all research services must be filled to the maximum, since this will subsequently make it possible to receive more applications for the survey.

    So, here is a list of tested questionnaires: – A service that has been dynamically developing over recent years.
    This project has quite a lot of advantages.
    Firstly, it should be noted that there is a sufficient volume of paid surveys, in other words, each user can be sure that during a conditional week he will be able to receive more than one invitation to participate in surveys for money and, upon completion of them, receive some reward. Such stability can naturally be considered a virtue, since everyone stands up for the stability of their activities.
    In addition, it is necessary to note the very intuitive interface of the site, which has no distracting details.

    You can earn money here somewhere from 20 to 100 rubles with a time investment of only 15-20 minutes per day, which is very attractive. The surveys are varied and interesting.

    Questions - A good questionnaire that makes payments from fifteen rubles for five-minute questionnaires, to five hundred rubles for global surveys, which can take a decent amount of free time.
    Withdrawal of funds here is quite fast, carried out within three days after ordering the transfer of earned money.
    The smallest payment amount is not overestimated and is only one hundred rubles! After completing the registration procedure, you will be credited with five rubles to your balance.

    MarketAgent - Excellent European site in Russian. To study our market, European manufacturers conduct paid surveys among Russians. What's good about the project? First of all, for regular registration you will immediately be awarded 150 points. In addition, rewards can only be withdrawn in cash; there is no forced exchange for goods. It’s also encouraging that the cost of surveys here is European. And with the latest “fall” of the ruble, it looks quite attractive. And lastly, the minimum withdrawal threshold here is only 200 points translated into cash - that’s 2 euros.

    My opinion - a survey service, here users are awarded bonuses for completed surveys. The surveys are not difficult and come quite often, which will allow you to get the necessary amount of work. It is impossible not to dwell on the design of this site, since it is as intuitive as possible, therefore even beginners will be able to quickly figure it out in a few minutes. You can not only exchange the reward you receive for discount cards or goods, but also transfer them to a charity fund.

    The project operates as honestly as possible and is open to mutual partnership with new participants around the clock. Completing questionnaires here will allow you to receive from 40 to 100 bonuses. In this regard, this activity will become entertaining, and you will be confident that in the end you will be able to get a fair income.

    Additionally: The service allows you to install your own plugin in your browser to collect data about your movements on the Internet. For installation you will immediately be credited 100 rubles, then for each subsequent month 50 rubles will be credited automatically. The funds are not particularly large, but you will get them for free.

    Point of view . The advantages of the project are a well-designed interface; for entering data into your account, inviting friends and other activities, you are immediately awarded a reward. This paid survey service has its own application for smartphones, which makes it possible to complete research on a mobile phone and receive applications in a timely manner. If you are not pre-qualified for the survey, the service will award a small compensation.

    • rewards in the form of points;
    • Points can be exchanged for trading floor certificates;
    • withdrawal to a mobile phone account is possible - from 1,000 points. - “heavyweight” in the specialized area. Operates in many regions around the globe. After completing the registration process and entering data into your personal profile, you will immediately receive your first reward. Surveys for money come quite often. In addition to participating in paid surveys, you will be invited to research new products. For this you can receive not only money, but also keep the goods for your own use.

    Myiyo - a good survey service created by the Germans. It’s very easy to take part in paid surveys; you don’t need any initial investment. Earned income here is expressed in points, and for filling out personal data in your account after the registration procedure, a bonus is provided - six hundred points. If we talk about tariffs, then each study here is assessed in the range of five hundred to ten thousand points. One thousand points equals one euro.

    Profits from participating in the survey can be easily withdrawn to your PayPal account. Of course, it’s worth registering for this project, since the partnership conditions are very pleasant. In addition, this service has an excellent reputation, so there is no reason to talk about the reliability of the questionnaire.

    GlobalTestMarket - a proven global questionnaire that works in different countries. Payment for completing research here occurs in the form of points. Subsequently, they can be withdrawn to PayPal or receive an OZON certificate. The minimum withdrawal threshold is six hundred points, which is equivalent to 200 rubles. The transfer of money occurs within 10 days from the start of the participant’s application. The number of surveys here is not particularly large - about 2 surveys per week. However, participating in these paid surveys is quite profitable, and you can get your first income in the shortest possible time. Participation in the project is allowed from the age of 14 with the prior consent of parents or after reaching the age of majority.

    Iberia System - a survey service that has not been registered very long, but is quickly gaining momentum. You can earn money in this project starting from the age of 14. A full set of paid surveys for money is provided to the population of Russia and Ukraine, and the cost for them ranges from 10 to 100 rubles. The time commitment will take approximately 5 minutes to one hour. The profit received is easily withdrawn to your mobile account or Webmoney wallet.

    Mr Survey - survey service for money, with stable payments of earned money. Participation in paid surveys here is paid in the range of 20 to 50 rubles. Each study takes at least twenty minutes, but the maximum you can spend is about forty minutes. Every week, participants receive approximately 3 individual applications.

    It should be noted that this project is Russian and is “growing” quite quickly. Data on the connection of new participants indicates that the majority of people who joined the service are satisfied with the joint activities with this partner and are happy to earn money. The minimum cost of the questionnaire here is only six rubles, but the time required will not be more than five minutes.

    I-say - a site where it is possible to participate in paid surveys for money, operating since the end of the last century. He is involved in international projects and carries out very active work, including in Russia. The project was founded in England. You will be paid for completed surveys in the form of points, which can later be exchanged for regular money. The approximate price for one survey is from 5 to 250 points. Usually, bonuses are credited automatically, so after a couple of minutes after the end of the survey you will see the points received on your account.

    Sometimes research can take place using the Ipsos Mobile App. Once a quarter, the site owners organize a competition for project participants, upon completion of which they can become the owners of 22,000 points in the system’s personal wallet. Income can be withdrawn to a PayPal account or MasterCard plastic cards. If you fill out your profile in detail, you can receive approximately 3 paid surveys every week.

    ThePanelStation - a questionnaire operating in twenty countries and having a huge base of participants. The registration process on the site is possible only by invitation. Income for completing surveys is credited via PayPal and using certificates for purchases on the OZONE trading platform. Payment is made in a point format; the user can exchange 10 points for one ruble. The minimum threshold for withdrawal is 300 rubles, in other words, three thousand points. Most often, one survey translates from five hundred to one thousand five hundred points. Remuneration depends on the type of survey, its difficulty and duration.

    How to make money from paid surveys

    How to start making money on surveys for money

    First of all, you should take the service that seems most promising to you and register with it to test your strength. For the most part, paid surveys do not take a lot of time, and at the same time you can participate in several survey projects. It should be noted that at the beginning of the article we presented to you perhaps the most popular research sites, but there are other good analogues.

    As soon as you select the sites you like, register on them and enter detailed personal data into the profiles. Provide an email address and also make a strong password. Save this information in case of recovery. After the above procedures, you will be closer to starting to make money on the Internet.

    Navigate to your registration mailbox. There must be a letter confirming registration. Open it and click on the attached link. At this step, registration is completed, now you only need to fill in detailed information about yourself in your personal account and you can start working.

    You can participate in paid surveys not only by submitting applications, but also by regularly visiting your account. It is advisable to periodically check your personal account so as not to waste potential earnings. Sometimes the survey requires you to take a pre-test, but in many cases the site will send you straight to the main questionnaire. The lowest withdrawal threshold may differ in different questionnaires, as well as the options for receiving your hard-earned money.

    Advantages of paid surveys for money

    Pros of making money from online surveys

    1. Little time required

    You will spend from 5 to 40 minutes completing one questionnaire. Doing home surveys for money can be a good source of secondary income and does not mean giving up your main job.

    1. No connection to the office

    You can take surveys from anywhere there is Internet access. There is no need to be in the office or set up a home office.

    1. No strict work schedule

    You are able to independently determine when and how much time to devote to work. Allocate the necessary time for leisure, personal matters and family.

    1. The right to earn money for everyone

    Paid surveys provide an opportunity for everyone to earn money, regardless of age, gender and level of education.

    As you can see, this method of generating income on the Internet has a huge number of advantages that it would be criminal not to pay attention to. By earning extra money using this method, you will be able to increase your well-being by covering your personal pocket expenses. Profit directly depends only on your participation and ability to work.

    Anyone who has decided to earn their first money on the Internet can, without fear, begin registering in the services that we listed at the beginning of the article. You will definitely not be deceived there, since all of them have been tested from personal experience.

    Follow the advice we provide strictly, and you will easily get your first profit. Be hardworking and don’t “slow down” on the level you have achieved in order to increase your Internet profits every day. Paid surveys for money can be your START in the marathon to financial well-being!