Pros and cons of the bodyguard profession. Is it worth going to work as a security guard?

The main goal of a security guard’s work is to prevent theft on the territory of a protected facility, to ensure security and public order at the place of his activity.

A security guard is a person who guards the object entrusted to him.

Each security officer, after completing studies and training, is assigned a rank (4th, 5th or 6th). You can improve your qualifications and undergo retraining after a certain period, which is 5 years. The highest rank is 6th. It is awarded with at least one year of work experience in the fifth category.

The term security guard refers to the work of a watchman, a bodyguard, a watchman, a warden in a prison, or a steward at a stadium.

History of the security profession

In the Soviet Union, the role of security guards was assigned to the police. Security activities began to develop in 1988. Private security organizations began to actively appear. Today their number has increased greatly.

On March 11, private security guards and detectives celebrate their professional holiday. Bodyguards also consider this date a special day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The work of a security guard is in demand based on the factors listed below.

  • You can get a job as a security guard without special education or work experience. You just need to have a military ID and a health certificate.
  • Having a flexible work schedule, which allows you to have free time.
  • An opportunity to learn another profession and increase your income.
  • Permissibility of rest during breaks, comfortable place of work.
  • A good start to start working.

Today, women can also get a vacant position in the security service, although preference is still given to the stronger half of humanity.

Negative aspects of the profession:

  • constant emotional stress - help from security may be needed at any time;
  • monotony - you need to do the same thing every day;
  • danger and risk associated with a threat to life.

Requirements for a security worker

You can get a job as a security guard if you meet the following characteristics:

  • preference is given to the male gender;
  • the availability of special training courses and the presence of a corresponding document;
  • absence of criminal records and other problems with the law;
  • the right to bear arms;
  • ability to provide emergency medical care;
  • knowledge of legislative documents;
  • martial arts skills.

Job responsibilities

The work of a security guard involves the following obligations:

  • Monitor the safety and integrity of property at a protected facility, territory, building.
  • They allow visitors to enter the territory of the institution if they have a pass or other documents confirming their identity.
  • Inspect visitors and their vehicles upon leaving the base.
  • Inspects the territory to identify unauthorized persons, checks the serviceability of alarms and locks.
  • Prevents property theft.

If we are talking about protecting a person, then the position is called a bodyguard. His responsibilities include ensuring the safety of the client.

Security guard's responsibility

For persons working in private enterprises, the degree of responsibility is reflected in the job description, or is stipulated by an agreement on collective liability.

  • The security guard is not a financially responsible person. The limit of his liability is limited only to losses associated with damage or theft of property caused to the organization by him personally.
  • The position provides for disciplinary liability in accordance with established legislation. If an employee appears at work under the influence of drugs, his license will be revoked.

The security guard faces administrative or criminal charges if, while performing his official duties, he exceeds his powers: the unreasonable use of special equipment or weapons, or exceeds the necessary measures when detaining an attacker).

Employee powers

The rights of private security guards are significantly limited compared to the powers of police officers. They are prohibited from personally searching detainees and seizing any items.

If theft of goods is suspected, the security guard at the retail outlet has the right to detain the visitor until the police arrive.

Features of the security guard profession

Security of objects is carried out by employees of private security companies, security departments of large companies, government agencies such as the Department of Internal Affairs, and special forces.

Public and private institutions must be protected: banks, jewelry stores, shopping centers, warehouses and other organizations.

Professional skills and abilities

Experience of service in law enforcement agencies, such as the army, police, and intelligence services is valued. Each position requires a certain level of training. Thus, a watchman does not require special education, former military personnel can be hired as a prison guard, an ex-police officer can be hired as a security guard in a shopping area, and a former special forces employee can work as a bodyguard.

The security guard must understand the basics of the legislative framework. Know and be able to put into practice hand-to-hand combat and self-defense techniques.

Personal qualities of a security guard

  • To work in the structure of the security system, you need to have perseverance, observation, endurance and the ability of the body to remain in an active state for a long time.
  • The position requires good long-term memory for external data, observation of people's behavior and changes in the environment.
  • The candidate must be characterized by low suggestibility, the ability to take initiative and responsibility for what is happening.
  • The security guard must be able to recreate a visual image, according to a verbal description, and have a quick reaction to comprehend the information provided.
  • The position requires emotional and volitional stability.

No contraindications from the organs of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal or nervous system.

Security guard career

Work in this position can be combined with studies and build a career in a completely different field. But if you are focused on development in the field of security, make sure that you have special courses.

Gain good work experience and understanding of the security structure of a private organization.

If you have excellent physical shape, the ability to react to unusual situations, analytical and psychological skills, you will become the personal security guard of a high-ranking client. This is accompanied by an increase in wages to approximately $1,500.

Places of work

The job of a security guard in the North is the most in demand and has its own nuances. The salary is approximately 700 US dollars. In most cases, applicants are offered a shift job with free accommodation and food. However, getting a job in the North on a rotational basis is problematic.

Good places on the North's shifts can be obtained if your candidacy is recommended by someone influential or close to you, but first of all, preference is given to former law enforcement officers, martial arts masters and former military personnel.


Salaries for people involved in security are high and very high. However, the salary amount is dictated by the region and the risk level of the employee. Large earnings are accompanied by danger to life and health in the performance of official duties.

Once upon a time, children were frightened by saying that if you don’t study, you will go to work as a janitor. But, nevertheless, there was no shortage of people interested in this seemingly low position, because the state provided the main thing - housing, and the requirements for the candidate were not high. Today it is no longer very prestigious to wear a janitor's uniform, and many guys, and girls too, are attracted to the uniform of a security guard .

But how difficult is such work, what requirements are put forward, and what does such a position give to young people?

Is it difficult to get a job as a security guard?

It is worth initially making a reservation that the position of a security guard is not such a low-level one. Of course, some companies or agencies actually hire everyone, but, as a rule, these are small companies with a high turnover. A serious security company may place high demands on a candidate for a vacancy. How and where can one apply for such a position?

  1. Small agencies. In most cases, such companies are engaged in the “security” of parking lots, parking lots or other small objects. Even a student can get a job here. The main requirement is to be present on site, periodically walk around the area, and if necessary, call a group of operatives or the police. That is, this is the same guard who is wearing a security guard uniform . Accordingly, the payment is not high.
  2. Security of supermarkets and shops. Today, many large supermarket chains have acquired their own “security services”. Most often, such guards monitor the employees themselves to ensure that nothing is taken away or stolen. Sometimes thieves are caught. The salary is higher than in the parking lot, and the work is indoors.
  3. Security of shopping centers. The next step in the career of a security guard. Mostly these are neat guys or guys. The task is to maintain order inside the shopping center. Salaries can vary significantly depending on the center itself, as well as the security service.
  4. State security service. These are practically the same police, usually armed and seriously equipped. They have the right to use weapons. Their objects are jewelry stores, galleries, bank branches. Most often they are accepted with experience of service, especially in the internal troops.
  5. Private security. Today there are a lot of agencies that provide bodyguards. They are not recruited from the street; it is important to have experience in military service, appropriate health and mental abilities. They usually have weapons and body armor.

Most often, ordinary guys go to work for the first three positions, where they do not make serious demands on the candidate. But such work has a lot of positive and negative aspects.

Pros and cons of working in security

At first glance, the position of a security guard is “not dusty”, the stereotype is that you sit, read the newspaper or do crossword puzzles. In many low-paying jobs this is true. Almost a minimum of responsibility, having made a detour, you can continue reading, the main thing is not to sleep on the spot and not to miss the attacker. But there are often a lot of disadvantages:

  • Fasting in an unheated room or even outside;
  • The salary is very low, although you may have to work 2 days every 3;
  • There may be no security guard uniform at all, or it may be purchased at your own expense (calculated from your salary);
  • In case of shortages or disappearances, the security guard is primarily to blame;
  • There are no means of defense; if attacked, fight back yourself or call the police;
  • Firms and agencies are not officially happy with the fines, and as a result, they may underpay and fine you in every possible way.

What's the plus? There are virtually no employment requirements and no physical work required.

Typically, such positions are filled either by retirees who need an increase in their pension, or by students. But it’s quite difficult to get a job in a serious company, because there is a social package, and provision of equipment, and training, but there are much more requirements and responsibilities, and the risk of getting a bullet or a knife is always present.

It's no secret that among the huge variety of professions suitable for any gender, there are also those that are usually identified as “female” (for example, a nanny in a kindergarten) or “male” (for example, a fireman). The profession of a bodyguard, which was associated with considerable risks, was initially considered a “male” profession. However, women “made their way” there too - and now they “guard the bodies” of celebrities and high-ranking persons along with the strong half of humanity. We will talk further about the intricacies of such work in the words of women - and about these women themselves.

Simone Daumantiene

Lithuanian Simona Daumantienė is 31 years old. Of these, for one and a half years she has been an employee of the security department - in other words, a bodyguard. And the young woman is guarding not just anyone, but the President of Lithuania himself. However, Simone herself notes that although it is a great honor for her to take care of the safety of the head of state. However, protecting any person is an equally responsible matter. And the main thing in her work, according to the girl, is responsibility and attentiveness - after all, the smallest mistake can cost several lives, including her own. "Be invisible, but see everything!" - this is exactly what Simone’s motto sounds like.

A little about Simon

From an early age, this brave girl dreamed of connecting her life with sports. She was a professional cyclist, then became a coach and has been working in one of the Vilnius sports clubs for four years now. Now Simone combines two jobs - when she doesn’t need to protect the president, she goes to training. And both jobs are her favorites. This is exactly what she wanted.

Daumantiene got into the presidential “guard” simply: she met a person related to this, and he, in her own words, charmed her with stories about this work. Simone realized that this is what she really wants to do.

However, her further path cannot be called simple - after all, the girl had to go through an incredibly difficult selection, to prove her physical endurance, medical and psychological suitability. It wasn’t easy, but Simone did it - and now she’s happy to be where she is.

However, do not think that Simone is a cyborg woman. She is an ordinary girl, just in a “male” profession. Simone is very afraid of spiders, but she loves dogs. She has her own dog, with whom she runs a lot in her free time. Daumantiene actively reads, swims and dreams of trying himself in a triathlon, as well as learning to skate.

Fearless team from the United Arab Emirates

Not only in Lithuania there are female bodyguards, but also in the United Arab Emirates. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, was personally convinced of this, as well as the fact that they cope well with their tasks, when she visited the Emirates on a working visit. For the entire duration of her stay there, the high-ranking person was assigned five security guards in traditional hijabs and abayas, selected from the UAE presidential guard. By the way, there are more than fifty women there, and each of them has the highest qualifications in martial arts and combat techniques.

As for the girls who had the honor of guarding Camilla, they turned out to be twenty-nine-year-old Shaima al-Kaabi, Basima al-Kaabi, Hannan al-Khatawi, Nisrin al-Hamawi and Salama al-Remeiti. All of them are not only bodyguards, but also avid athletes. Three of the girls even conquered Everest at the beginning of the year!

Elizabeth Watson

During the entire period of her work, British woman Elizabeth Watson did not have a single injured client. She is thin, tall and serious - and this alone already makes the right impression. She has been working as a bodyguard for twelve years (she is now 50; she was previously a police detective), and during these years she has protected everyone! However, Watson does not care at all who is in front of her - a representative of the royal family or a “star” celebrity. For her, the main thing is the safety of her client and him, as well as her own good reputation.

Elizabeth always tries to remain calm - once it even saved her life. She was kidnapped by gangsters whom she tried to destroy while still working as a police officer. She was interrogated for twenty hours, but, not finding any material on her, they were forced to release her. Only after escaping from their clutches did Elizabeth allow herself to “break.”

Pros and cons of working as a bodyguard

Simone Daumantiene admits that she loves everything about her work - and feels absolutely where she should be. But he calls adrenaline the main advantage - and it is produced in such a profession in immeasurable quantities. In addition, now, wherever the girl goes, she is always on the alert, always watches what is happening around her and knows that if necessary, she will be able to come to the aid of people. The fact that she seems to be guarding her beloved country instills calm and confidence in her.

As for any negative aspects, she does not find them - but adds that there are certain difficulties: for example, the need to study, train, and improve one’s own skills all year round. This is exhausting and makes it clear that not everyone can do such work.

A man's job?

Simone Daumantiene notes that the time has come for society to reconsider its views. According to her, often women in the so-called men's work cope with it many times better than the representatives of the stronger half of humanity themselves - and all because women are in many ways more devoted and responsible than men.

Of course, Simone adds, it’s more difficult for women - after all, they need to match the level of men, and if we talk about the use of force, the weaker sex is always inferior to men in this area. However, women are more cunning, and in some matter, perhaps, they will get out of the situation faster with the help of cunning, intuition and the ability to react quickly.

Qualities required for work

What does a woman need to become a bodyguard, besides good health and physical fitness? As mentioned above, responsibility and attentiveness are extremely important, as well as the ability to quickly adapt in different, including difficult, situations. Knowledge of several languages ​​will be a plus.

Dedication, courage, a sharp mind, quick reaction and the ability to make decisions instantly - all this is necessary and important in the profession of a bodyguard. Seconds can count, and if you fail to behave correctly, this can lead to fatal consequences. Elizabeth Watson notes that a bodyguard must be suspicious - it is better to be “on the safe side” than wrong.

And appearance is also very important. The bodyguard should look discreet - wear a business suit, but without provocative makeup, bright hair or anything else that attracts attention. The invisible man is what a bodyguard is, and it doesn’t matter whether he is a woman or a man.

Some nuances of work

Simone Daumantiene says that a person's behavior always betrays him. Movements of the eyes, hands, feet, general body language - all this can tell a lot to experienced and observant bodyguards.

Women share that those who are planning evil - for example, a terrorist attack - always worry, fuss and get distracted immediately before this “event”. They seem to be looking for a place for themselves, checking whether they have forgotten or lost anything, trying their best to be calm - but in this way they attract the attention of professionals.

As for Elizabeth Watson, in case of unforeseen circumstances she has a special code - a phrase that she tells her client if she thinks that she needs to leave urgently. Each of her clients is aware of this and knows: if the code phrase is spoken, you need to do everything that Elizabeth orders. Watson adds that she says it if she doesn’t like at least the appearance of the person she meets.

Women vs men

According to the UK's Security Industry Authority, there are approximately fourteen thousand people in the UK who hold a security license. Less than a thousand of them are women. At the same time, according to statistics, over the past four to five years there has been a tendency towards an increase in demand specifically for female bodyguards. The “fashion” for brutal men accompanied by them is gradually passing; an increasing number of noble people want to see a woman next to them.

Perhaps this is also due to the fact that women really attract less attention - they can be considered a stylist, a photographer, a friend, finally; A “wardrobe” man with a stern expression on his face will definitely not evoke such an opinion. This is especially important when you have to protect children.

Bodyguard is a specialist who protects the life and health of his client. Since most often the services of such employees are required by high-ranking officials, the requirements for their quality are appropriate (up to the ability to sacrifice their own safety to preserve the safety of the client). Bodyguards are required to have good physical training, the ability to quickly make decisions in critical situations, and sometimes the ability to use traumatic weapons or firearms. This is work from the “person-to-person” category. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physical education and life safety (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description: who is a bodyguard?

The work of a bodyguard is entirely related to the needs of the client. If necessary, he can not only protect him from possible attacks and incidents, but also act as a personal driver, provide medical assistance, and instruct him on behavior in unforeseen cases. The services of bodyguards are often used by businessmen, politicians, and media personalities. The most sought-after applicants for bodyguard positions are former law enforcement officers or athletes.

Features of the profession

Experienced bodyguards are not only a pile of muscles, dark glasses and an earpiece. They also have extensive knowledge related to the specific security and protection of various clients; legal consequences of possible actions in difficult situations; can also navigate the specifics of their client's business if necessary to effectively perform the work. The main responsibilities of a bodyguard are as follows:

  • Protect the life and health of people who are under its protection.
  • Protect the client’s property from illegal actions by intruders (if this is provided for in the contract).
  • If possible, prevent and suppress attempts by third parties to cause harm to the life, health or property of clients (as well as prevent this harm from being caused for other reasons).
  • Work in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and promptly notify them of crimes committed or imminent.
  • Use weapons of any kind and methods of physical force in accordance with current legislation.

As a rule, serious specialists have clear contracts that stipulate who a bodyguard is for a particular client, what he must and has the right to do to protect him and at what cost. To avoid possible problems both with the client himself and with the police, the bodyguard must strictly comply with the requirements of such a document.

Pros and cons of the bodyguard profession


  1. Decent salary level.
  2. Opportunity to travel (if required by the specifics of the client’s work).
  3. The ability to maintain health and good physical shape.
  4. Opportunity to make useful contacts in high circles.


  1. Risk to your health and life.
  2. Quite a high level of stress.
  3. Irregular work schedule.
  4. High responsibility for other people's health, life and property.

Important personal qualities

A bodyguard cannot do without good physical shape, mastery of martial arts and a high reaction speed. Also important for him is psychological stability, restraint, the ability to leave emotions behind and concentrate on fulfilling his work responsibilities. Bodyguards must be responsible, disciplined, and patient. They must not have chronic diseases or criminal records. Intellectual abilities are also important for this work, especially analytical ones.

Bodyguard training

Bodyguarding is not a specialty that can be obtained “in its pure form” at a college or university. Theoretically, you can get a job in such a position after completing military service, working in law enforcement agencies, or working in a private security company (many private security companies conduct courses to train their employees). Absolutely without experience in a related activity and relevant knowledge, it will be difficult to get a job, despite the lack of colleges and universities for bodyguards.

If you do not have this experience and knowledge, then the basic basics of training to become a bodyguard can be obtained at a private security company or a security guard training school. Then you can do simpler work for a while, after which you can apply for the status of a bodyguard. This profession, like any other in the service sector, is closely related to the ability to present oneself as a worthy specialist. Therefore, if you acquire certain knowledge and skills, do not find where else to study to become a bodyguard, and manage to find a client, you can do without gaining experience in a private security company. However, it is necessary to understand what responsibility lies with such a specialist and accept it only with knowledge of the matter.


School of Security "Bayard"

This is one of the possible options for where to get the bodyguard profession at a basic level. Classes are conducted in person, part of them is devoted to theory reading, the other part to practical training of the necessary skills.

Best Schools for Bodyguards

In addition to the Bayard security school mentioned above, there are also the following similar educational organizations:

  1. Security training center "NOKS".
  3. School of private security guards "Ratnik".
  4. Cayman Security Training School

Place of work

Bodyguards work for high-ranking clients, often from private companies providing client protection services.

Bodyguard salary

The level of income of such a specialist depends on the status of the clients with whom he works, as well as on the pricing policy of the company providing security services. There can also be some connection between the salary of a bodyguard and his rank (ranks are assigned according to the more common name in the Russian-speaking environment, the profession “security guard”).

There are six such categories in total, the first three of them are approximately equivalent, and then there is a significant gradation of opportunities and, often, salaries. Thus, a security guard of the 4th category knows how and can use special equipment, a security guard of the 5th category can use pepper and gas sprays, gas and pneumatic pistols, and a security guard of the 6th category can use firearms (of course, with a license of the established type).

Salary as of 01/02/2020

Russia 30000—100000 ₽

Moscow 75000—150000 ₽


A bodyguard can either increase his income by working with higher-status clients or organize his own security company. He can also head the security department of any structure or enterprise.

Professional knowledge

  1. Physiology, rules of first aid.
  2. Use of self-defense means.
  3. Use of special equipment.
  4. Use of firearms.
  5. Rules for protecting the interests, health and life of the client in accordance with current legislation.
  6. Rules of conduct in the event of a threat to the safety of property, health or life of the client.

Famous bodyguards

  1. Michael Clarke Duncan, whose services were sought after by many Hollywood stars, and who decided to pursue his own acting career. He is known to film fans around the world for his role in the film “The Green Mile.”
  2. Julius de Boer, Beyonce's bodyguard, is also known for speaking five languages ​​and owning a network of security companies.

The life of public and wealthy people attracts the attention of millions. And often this attention is not at all benevolent: politicians, businessmen, show business stars often become victims of assassination attempts, their relatives and loved ones are kidnapped for ransom, and inadequate admirers attack right on the street. It’s the bodyguard’s job to protect you from all this.

Responsibilities and Requirements

The main task of a bodyguard is to protect the life and health of his client. In the event of danger, he must make every effort to protect your employer. History knows many cases when bodyguards died shielding their clients from bullets with their bodies. In order not to lose his head in such an extreme situation, the bodyguard must be cool-blooded. He will also need extraordinary vigilance and attentiveness in order to recognize an approaching threat. During an attack, seconds usually count, and in order to have time to react, the bodyguard needs to be in excellent physical shape and have a quick reaction. To fight back the attackers, the bodyguard should master martial arts And shoot straight. However, his first task is protect the client, sometimes it is wiser not to get involved in a confrontation, but to try to escape as quickly as possible; here the bodyguard’s driving skills will come in handy. If the client is wounded, the bodyguard must provide him with first aid. In addition to direct security, the work of a bodyguard includes many preparatory procedures. He is involved in drawing up travel routes for his client, thinking through an escape strategy in the event of an attack, analyzing possible threats, interacting with law enforcement agencies. The bodyguard's duties also include instructing his client on how to behave in an emergency situation.


Bodyguards can be divided into two large groups. The first are private individuals working for hire. They can work either alone or as part of a security agency. The second are employees of government agencies (for example, the Federal Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation) who are engaged in security duties on duty.


There is no specialty “bodyguard”, but those who want to become one must gain relevant experience. First of all, this is service in the armed forces or work in the police or private security company. It would also be useful to take specialized courses at a bodyguard school.