Name of library events on the theme of autumn. “Generous autumn has arrived!” – family day out at the library

Autumn is generous, lyrical, mysterious. Library visitors were able to touch its beauty and lift the veil of its secrets by becoming participants in exciting and educational events, competitions, and creative workshops.

With a bouquet of autumn leaves, in a painted sundress, the Beauty herself, Autumn, came to the holiday. She came for a reason, but to the music of falling leaves and golden foliage, with poems and riddles that the guests liked.

The youngest readers, their mothers and fathers, grandparents took part in the literary game “Folklore Basket” on the theme “Autumn has come to us.” Guessing the riddles, the children found the answers in a basket filled with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and berries. Then, in the “Guess by Touch” association competition, participants were asked to determine what kind of object they found in the “wonderful bag.” Children remembered the names of the autumn months, read their favorite poems about autumn, and drew vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and berries.

Teenagers, together with their parents, took part in a family poetry impromptu “Silver-Nut October”: we read and write poems about autumn.” How many amazing, inspired lines are dedicated by writers and poets to this wonderful time of year! Everyone remembers their favorite poems from childhood: Pushkin’s “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”, Tyutchev’s “There is in the primordial autumn,” Nekrasov’s “Glorious Autumn!”, Blok’s “The autumn day is high and quiet...”, Yesenin’s “The golden grove dissuaded.” Children and adults took part in the burime competition with pleasure, writing simple and touching quatrains about autumn, being immensely proud of their creations.

The literary quiz “Autumn Kaleidoscope” reminded teenagers of riddles, proverbs and sayings about autumn, and signs of autumn. The children decorated the exhibition with leaves on which they wrote their favorite poems by great Russian poets about this poetic time of year.

The creative workshop “Autumn Fantasy” was extremely popular. Those who like to create and fantasize made original compositions from dry leaves; each work had its own zest.

For young fans of computer technology, drawing on the children's educational portal “Brashechka” became especially attractive: the guys “wrote” autumn under the heading “The Charm of the Eyes.” The result was small landscape sketches, each artist expressed his own vision of autumn.

Parents of preschool children were given a consultation “I was born!” I am a reader! Tips for loving parents” about the importance of reading for the full development of a child.
Throughout the day, a book and illustration exhibition “Generous Autumn has come!” was open for library visitors; everyone was able to watch the cartoon “Autumn Ships.”

For young fans of computer technology, drawing on the children's educational portal “Brashechka” has become especially attractive.

The creative workshop “Autumn Fantasy” was extremely popular.

Parents of preschool children were given a consultation “I was born!” I am a reader! Tips for loving parents”

The Nikitsky Library hosted events dedicated to the most beautiful time of the year - autumn, which is glorified by writers, poets, artists and musicians in their works. We also tried to creatively illuminate this topic.

Educational - the game festival “Bright Colors of Autumn” was held by the library together with SDK at the school. Queen Autumn came to the children for the holiday. She told the children about this wonderful time of year, asked riddles about autumn, vegetables, and asked them about the signs of autumn. The guys unanimously named from which tree the leaf that Queen Autumn showed fell, and they recognized the mushrooms from the pictures presented. The children talentedly recited poems about this wonderful time of year. There were poems by Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn”, Yesenin S. “The golden grove dissuaded”, Fet A. “Swallows have disappeared”, Vysotskaya O. “What autumn brought us”, etc.

The guys also had fun playing, participating in the competitions “Welcome Autumn”, “Autumn Leaf Fall”, “Funny Janitors”, “Move the Potatoes”, “Guess by Taste”. Autumn congratulated the autumn birthday people and played the “Black Box” game with them, where they had to guess the gift by asking Autumn questions. The prize was given to Julia Labazova, October’s birthday girl. In conclusion, Queen Autumn treated all participants to the event with autumn gifts - apples, pears, carrots.

The guys also made their gifts to the Queen of Autumn. In preparation for the event, they painted and made crafts from autumn leaves. Their works were presented at the exhibition of children's drawings "Autumn on an easel" and the exhibition of crafts "Autumn Vernissage"

Autumn is the most generous, the richest time. The library hosted a presentation of the exhibition of arts and crafts “Autumn Fantasies”. The guys, members of the “Skillful Hands” circle, presented their crafts from vegetables and fruits, showing creativity and imagination in making funny little animals. Visitors to the exhibition highly appreciated the creativity of the participants, looking with interest at a graceful horse, Cheburashka and a mother hen made from potatoes, important penguins and a pig, a Mercedes made from zucchini, a sweet couple made from tomatoes, a white poodle made from cauliflower, a spider made from pepper, and Gena the crocodile from cucumbers, a miracle tree of squash, carrots and peppers, a basket of grapes.

Scenario of the Autumn holiday for primary schoolchildren

Author: Suslova Natalya Viktorovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description of material: This development applies to school-wide holidays. The material will be of interest to teachers - organizers, class teachers when organizing autumn leisure activities in elementary schools. The event takes place in October.
Target: Summarize children's knowledge about autumn.
Tasks: - to form and expand ideas about autumn as a time of year;
- consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, vegetables, edible and inedible mushrooms.
- develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, and the ability to act in a group.
- cultivate a love of nature, for the time of year autumn.
Methods: The use of music, songs, dances, skits, poems, riddles, competitions, outdoor games.
Hall decoration: The hall is decorated with autumn leaves made by children. On the stage is the name of the holiday.
Participants: presenter, Autumn, September, October, November, guys.

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello guys! Hello, guests! Today our holiday is dedicated to the most beautiful time of the year - autumn. Poems, songs, and riddles will be heard at the festival. You and I will see interesting skits and dances, play different games, you will take part in various competitions and learn a lot of new things about the autumn months. So let's begin!


Autumn! Glorious time!
Children love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.

The cranes are flying south.
Hello, hello, autumn!
Come to our holiday,
We really, really ask.

Here we are a joyful holiday
Have fun,
Come, we are waiting for you,
Autumn is golden...

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends!
Are you excited to meet me? Do you like the forest outfit?
I came to your holiday to sing and have fun.
I want to become strong friends with everyone here!


Autumn: Thank you guys! I heard a lot of good things about myself. And I came to you for the holiday not alone, but together with three brothers - in the autumn months. They will help me spend our holiday.
September: Our school garden is empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened...
What month has it come to you?... (September)

Autumn: September is the younger brother of autumn. The name September comes from the Latin "septimus" and means "seventh". In the ancient Russian calendar, September was the seventh month from the beginning of the year. The first month was then considered to be March, and not January, as in the modern calendar. In ancient Rus', the first day of September was the first meeting of autumn and was called the summer guide - seeing off summer. September is the driest month of autumn. These warm days of autumn are called Indian summer. Indian summer usually lasts one to two weeks. This is the best time to pick mushrooms.


Leading: Which team will collect more mushrooms?

Competition 1: To collect mushrooms, you need to guess my riddles. (PRIZE - fungus)
Important fat
I grew up next to the path.
I'm used to respect
Mushroom on a strong stem.
As we see that he is close -
It's hard for us to pass by.
We immediately bow low -
This mushroom got in the way! ( Porcini)

I greet you with a brown hat.
I am a humble fungus without any embellishment.
I found shelter under a white birch tree.
Tell me, children, what is my name? ( boletus)

In the autumn forest in September
On a boring rainy day
The mushroom has grown in all its glory,
Important, proud.
His house is under the aspen tree,
He is wearing a red hat.
Many people are familiar with this mushroom.
What should we call it? ( Boletus)

Sisters grow under the pine tree -
Bright red. . .
I'll put the mushrooms in a basket,
I'll fry them with potatoes. ( Chanterelles)

Lucky so lucky -
I picked a bucket of mushrooms.
They covered a whole tree stump,
Collect if you are not too lazy! ( Honey mushrooms)

Here are some fun mushrooms!
How many different hats
Among the dried grass -
Yellow, blue, red! ( Russula)

Red hat, polka dots on the hat,
Short skirt with a white leg.
A beautiful fungus, but it will deceive you,
Whoever knows about him will not touch him.
All people have known for a long time,
That the mushroom is filled with poison... ( fly agaric)

Here is a pale mushroom growing,
Even a hedgehog bypasses him
Very harmful to health -
You better not touch him! ( Death cap)

Leading:- Will you pick all the mushrooms??? Why?

Autumn: And while you were picking mushrooms -
Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors.
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.
The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples began to glow.
In autumn purple only green oak.
Autumn consoles: “Don’t regret summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!


Leading: We cannot live in the world without miracles. They meet us everywhere. The magical autumn and fairytale forest invites us to visit. The wind will spin to the song of the rain and throw leaves at our feet. What a beautiful time this is: the miracle of autumn has come to us again!
Autumn marks the golden time. The autumn artist plays with all the colors of the rainbow. On one tree you can find yellow, orange, red, purple leaves. This wealth of colors attracts artists. And although you and I are not yet real artists, we will also try to convey all the colors of autumn in our drawings.

Competition 2: We cut out the name of our holiday from white paper. Your task is to paint them with autumn colors. Everyone will color one letter with felt-tip pens, and then from them we will make up the name of our holiday: “Golden Beauty - Autumn!” ( To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. October” children and guests of the holiday color the letters. The name of the holiday is made up of multi-colored letters.)
Leading: Do you want to play? ...
We will collect leaves.
Competition 3: GAME “WHO WILL COLLECT THE MOST LEAVES?” ( An equal number of autumn leaves of different colors are scattered on the floor. Several people are given the task of collecting leaves. Each of them collects leaves of a certain color. Who will collect more?)
or GAME FOR BOYS “WHO IS FASTER?” ( Leaves are laid out on the floor in a circle (their number is one less than the number of players). While the music is playing, the boys run in a circle. When the music stops, everyone must grab a sheet. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game.)

October: The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy -
The gardens have turned black,
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation,
What month did he come to you? (October)

Autumn: October is called the peak of autumn. Why? (this is mid-autumn).
Khmuren - that’s what October was called in the old days. It is also called the evening of the year. At this time, nature is preparing for bed. Everyone has a lot to do. Trees need to shed their leaves in time, insects need to bury themselves in the forest floor or hide in cracks, and the last birds need to hurry up and fly away.

The ducks gathered and flew off on a long journey.
A bear is making a den under the roots of an old spruce tree.
The hare dressed himself in white fur, and the bunny felt warm.
The squirrel carries mushrooms in a hollow for a whole month.
The nutcracker cleverly hides nuts in old moss for the winter.
Wood grouse pinch the needles...
Northern bullfinches have come to us for the winter.

Leading: Indeed, the days and nights have become colder, not only animals, but also people are preparing for winter: vegetables are being harvested in the fields and gardens. What vegetables are prepared for the winter? Guess my riddles!

Competition 4: RIDDLES ABOUT VEGETABLES. ( As the riddles are solved, the characters in the next scene go on stage and put on their hats with the image of vegetables)
Bird above the ground
I made a nest,
She applied eggs. ( Potato)
I am a red maiden
Green braid!
I'm proud of myself
I'm good for anything!
Both for juice and cabbage soup,
For salads and borscht,
In pies and vinaigrette,
And... bunnies for lunch! ( Carrot)
It's worth a matryoshka
On one leg
Shrouded, confused. ( Cabbage)
I'm round and strong
Dark red sides
I'm fit for lunch
And in borscht, and in vinaigrette. ( Beet)
Growing in the garden
green branch,
And on it -
Red kids. ( Tomato)
They say I'm bitter
They say I'm sweet
Green arrow
I'm growing in a garden bed.
I'm the most useful
I give my word to this,
Eat me with everything -
You will be healthy. ( Onion)
Round, not a month,
Yellow, not oil,
With a tail, not a mouse. ( Turnip)

Vegetables present a SKETCH “VEGETABLES DISPUTE”


Competition 5: GAME “DISCOVER BY TASTE” ( The presenter brings out vegetables on a plate, cut into small pieces. Blindfolded children taste vegetables and guess their taste. After the game, the participants and guests of the holiday enjoy eating the vegetables prepared for the game.)

November: The field turned black
It rains and snows.
And it got colder,
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field,
What month is it, tell me? (November)

Autumn: November is the last month of autumn. Its ancient Greek name is gruden, from the word “gruda”, which meant a broken, bad and frozen path. In November, the sky is often covered with heavy clouds, and it snows and rains.

Leading: Autumn walks along the path, her feet are wet in the puddles.
It's raining and there's no light... Summer is lost somewhere.
The autumn rain has filled the puddles, we need to cross them quickly!

Competition 6: GAME “CROSS THE PUDDLES!” ( Five boys and five girls are participating. Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor. They make two tracks. The guys must run, stepping only on sheets of paper. The rest of the space is filled with water. Who can complete this task faster and more accurately?)

Leading: Nature is beautiful at the end of autumn. Bright red berries adorn the rowan trees, but the calendar is inexorable, the bright colors of autumn are fading. Winter is coming soon.


Leading: It's a pity to part with you, but the time has come to say goodbye.
Please accept our gift and come visit us more often.
(Autumn brings a basket of apples and treats children and holiday guests.)

Leading: It was customary for people to celebrate autumn. And they arranged these farewells after the entire harvest was harvested. Let's spend the fall with you and sit over a cup of tea.
Festive tea party.

Scenario for the Autumn holiday! We ask for a visit
Presenter (Leshy): Hello, adults!
Hello children!
Today is an unusual day in the world!
We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. To find out what this holiday is dedicated to, I will tell you a riddle.
That's an artist, that's an artist!
I gilded all the forests,
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.
We ask you to guess the riddle,
Who is this artist?.........................AUTUMN.

Well done! You guessed the riddle correctly!
We dedicate our holiday to Autumn!

(SONG Around the huts there are teren, teren)

Reader 1: Autumn! Glorious time!
Children love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys!

2nd reader: And, seeing an important watermelon, the children will perk up,
And everyone will cordially say:
Hello, it's time for autumn!

Reader 3: The cranes are flying south,
Hello, hello, Autumn!
Come to our holiday
We really, really ask!

Reader 4: Here we are a joyful holiday
Have fun,
Come, we are waiting for you,
Autumn is golden!

(Song Miracle Miracle Miracles)

Host: Autumn is looking through our window,
Frequent rain knocks.
The doors were opened by the wind
She unfurled a fan of leaves,
I collected birds for the journey,
She brought us gifts.

Autumn: Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
On an autumn day I'm glad
I can see you!
I am glad to welcome dear guests,
I want to meet you as soon as possible!
My name is autumn
I love jokes and laughter
And your names
I'll find out everything at once
Come on, together: one, two, three,
Say your name!
(everyone says their name)

Host: Hello, Autumn!
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, Autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: I came to you with showers,
With abundant bread, with deep roots!
I brought you bread for the whole year.
The garden is full of different vegetables.

Host: Only the vegetables in the garden started a dispute.
(A scene at an autumn festival)
(Children participating: Aibolit, eggplant, peas, beets, cabbage, cucumber, radish, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes. Each child has a cap on his head with the image of a particular vegetable, Aibolit has a white coat and a doctor’s cap).
Presenter: Blue eggplants, red tomatoes.
They start a long and serious argument.
Which of them, vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?

A pea popped out - what a braggart!
Polka dots (fun):
I'm such a good little green boy!
If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.

Presenter: Blushing with offense, the beets grumbled:
Beets (important):
Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself
There is no better beet!
Cabbage (interrupting):
You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster bunnies
They love stalks
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.
Cucumber (perky):
You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And a fresh cucumber.
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!
Radish: (modestly):
I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!
Carrots (flirtatiously):
The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots
Then, my friend, you will be strong, strong, dexterous!

Host: Then the tomato pouted and said sternly:
Tomato: Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.
Shut up a little!
Children, eat tomatoes, drink tomato juice:
It is healthy, rich in vitamins and tastes good.
Presenter: Place a box by the window,
Just water more often
And then, like a true friend,
Green will come to you...
Children: Luke.

Onions: Green onions are delicious! I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
You need to eat green onions, there are countless vitamins in them.
Potato: I, potato, am so modest, I have grown amazingly!
And large, and so beautiful!
And potatoes are the second bread, you and I know that.
Eggplant: Eggplant caviar is so tasty, healthy...
Host: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!

(A knock is heard on the door. Vegetables crouch on the floor in fright).
Bow: Someone seems to be knocking.
Aibolit enters.
Potato: This is Doctor Aibolit!
Aibolit: Well, of course, it’s me.
What are you arguing about, friends?
Eggplant: Which of us, from vegetables,
Everyone is tastier and more necessary?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?
Aibolit: To be healthy, strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?

Host: What vegetable, guys, is the most necessary, the most healthy? (children's answers) And so that the vegetables don't argue anymore, we'll sing them a song.
(Song dramatized by Antoshka)
Let's go dig some potatoes!
A: Dili-dili, trawl-wali

Play the harmonica for us!
A: Dili-dili, trawl-wali
We didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this!

Get your spoon ready for dinner!
A: Dili-dili, trawl-wali
These are brothers in my strength,
I can hardly refuse now!

Reader: Along the path at full speed
A rooster rushes through the forest,
He shouts: Ku-ka-re-ku!
Honor and glory to the mushroom picker.
Mushroom ditties
Put your ears on top of your heads, I was sitting on a tree,
Listen carefully. I looked at the mushrooms from above.
Let's sing ditties about mushrooms As the wind blew,
Very good. I fell head over heels from the birch tree.

How old are you morel? Petya got up early, early,
You look like an old man, you collected all the mushrooms in the forest,
A fungus surprised me: Boasts of mushrooms
I'm only two days old. With little white dots.

If only, if only I had walked and walked through the woods,
Mushrooms grew on my nose, I found a lot of mushrooms.
We would have cooked ourselves when I saw a bear,
Yes, and they rolled into my mouth. The spruce tree carried away its legs.

My friend and I went to the forest, we sang ditties for you
They found a huge mushroom there, is it good or bad,
The two of us dragged him, and now we ask you,
They brought the fir home. So that we can be applauded.

Reader: Rain, rain on the path,
He will wet our feet
You need to raise your legs
Jump through puddles.

Reader: Why are there puddles everywhere?
Mom takes her umbrella.
Why, why?'s raining!
(Dance with umbrellas)

Autumn: I’m very glad, guys, that I got to school with you.
I invite you, friends, to play and have fun.
I brought you fruits and vegetables: tasty, juicy, ripe, so that you are skillful.
Useful and necessary for health - so that you are strong and friendly.
Game Guess the taste.

Presenter: Game It happens or not
-You will have to try to answer the questions.
Help me figure it out - does this happen or not?

The bearded goat walks around the garden all day long.
-Why are you a sad little goat?
-There are no cabbages in the garden. “I didn’t find a leaf,” the goat mumbled sadly.

(Someone is mistaken). - Do goats moo?
Goats do not moo, but bleat.
Show how goats bleat.

I came to visit the cow, drink a mug for health.
“Would you like,” the cow grunts, “I’ll pour you a drink?”
Quickly give me the answer: does this happen or not?
(Someone is wrong). - Do cows grunt?

Aren't you ashamed? Oh no no no! Stop sleeping, get up, lazy fellow!
And the lazy pig crows sleepily:
-Go on your way, let me sleep a little more.

Guarding the chicken's sleep, our rooster is hoarse from barking
-Do you know why I bark? I'm the one scaring the fox.
-Quickly give me the answer: does this happen or not?
(Children imitate how a rooster crows.)

I asked my dog: Why are you getting into a fight with a cat?
“This is a cat getting into a fight,” the dog meowed.
I wanted to play, but she bit me.
Quickly give me the answer: does this happen or not?
- Interesting dog - meowed and started a fight!
Whoever heard that the dog meowed should now raise his hand.

I say to the cat: Cat, sit with me for a while!
The cat answers: What are you talking about! I have a lot of work to do.
It's time for me to feed the kittens. I'm going to catch mice.
-Quickly give me the answer: does this happen or not?
(Children meow).

What's the secret? You enter the river and come out dry.
“There are no secrets,” the goose quacks in response. - I always walk dry, like water off a duck’s back.
-Quickly give me the answer: does this happen or not?

(Song about little animals)

Autumn: And now I tell you guys,
I want to make riddles.
Puzzles. No arms, no legs,
He knocks on the door, breaks into the hut. (Wind)
Came without paints and without a brush,
And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn).
Who beats and taps on the roof all night,
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep? (Rain)
How many months are there in a year?
How many of them are autumn? Name it.
It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but it won’t get into the house.
And I won’t go anywhere while he goes! (Rain)
Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways towards the sun, with a crochet tail. (Cucumbers)
Sundress on sundress, dress on dress,
And once you start undressing, you’ll cry your fill. (Onion)
How mysteries grew in our garden bed -
Juicy and large, so round.
They turn green in summer and turn red in autumn. (Tomatoes)
Gold coins fall from a branch (Leaves)
Amazing sun:
This sun has a hundred windows,
They look out of those windows
Hundreds of little jackdaws (Sunflower)

My caftan is green,
And the heart is like red.
It tastes like sugar is sweet,
It looks like a ball. (Watermelon)
The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys (Peas)
He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (ear of wheat)

The golden head is large and heavy.
The golden head lay down to rest
The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin)
A hundred clothes and all without fasteners (Cabbage)
He sits in the ground, his tail looks up.
Sugar can be extracted from it.
Cook delicious borscht. (Beet)
For the green tuft
Dragged the fox out of the mink
To the touch - very smooth,
Tastes like sweet sugar (Carrot)
Unsightly, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
Well, crumbly and delicious! (Potato)

Autumn: Well, it’s wonderful with you, kids.
It's just time to say goodbye to you.
Winter is already on my heels.
And nature is still waiting for me.

Host: Goodbye, goodbye, we say goodbye.
Thank you autumn for the treat.
We will be waiting for you again, looking forward to seeing you!

"Autumn Drops Gold"

Scenario of a matinee for elementary school

prepared by the head of the children's services sector of the library named after M.A. Sholokhova Zadachina N.V.

Decor: illustrative book exhibition “Blush of Autumn”, which presents various books about autumn: stories, poems, educational literature, illustrations with autumn landscapes. The children's department is decorated with autumn leaves, rowan and viburnum branches, on the tables there are bouquets of autumn flowers, baskets with gifts of autumn (nuts, apples, etc.)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant threats of gray winter

A. S. Pushkin

(The librarian meets the children on the porch and draws their attention to the surrounding nature, what changes have occurred in the trees, bushes, what color the sky is, etc. and invites them to enter the library for the matinee.)

Librarian: Ah, autumn... autumn... Some people rejoice at its arrival, but others, perhaps, are saddened by this time of year. Guys, do you like autumn? Why do you like her? (children's answers).

But every season is beautiful in its own way: in winter the snow sparkles, in spring everything around turns green, in summer you can hear the trills of a nightingale...

As if from a wonderful fairy tale, the beautiful autumn came to us. She hung bright beads on all the trees, stamped her crimson boot, shook her golden curls, and gold fell from the trees.

The charm of autumn is in its colors. When everything is transformed beyond recognition, to surprise and joy.

Yellow color is a symbol of autumn. The yellow leaves of the trees and their sunny attire gave it its name - golden autumn. In addition to yellow, the landscapes of this time of year are characterized by gray and crimson colors. Rarely, rarely will autumn place a speck of blue and green somewhere. By mid-autumn, the colors mix and become dirty. Autumn has four periods: early autumn, golden autumn, deep autumn and pre-winter. From the first days of September - early autumn. The days are getting shorter. It's getting cooler.

Summer has turned to autumn. The autumn wind blew and brought with it autumn weather - cloudy, cold, rainy weather.

In ancient times, Russian people celebrated autumn. At this time, field work has already been completed, the harvest has been harvested, and the autumn rains are beginning to drizzle. And suddenly there is a break in the rains. In the middle of autumn, it’s as if summer is coming again: warm, dry, blue sky, clear sun. This time in autumn is called “Indian summer”. Russian women at this time took a break from difficult peasant work. But the Indian summer is short: a few days and it will rain again.

In the folk calendar at the end of September there is a day dedicated to a tree we know and love. Guess which tree: “In haymaking, this berry is bitter, but in frost, this berry is sweet” (answer: “Rowan”). Right. And people also say that there are two fires at this time: fire in the stoves and red rowan.

A Pomeranian legend tells about the origin of the name of the tree: “Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife, and they had two children. The eldest, unloved daughter, and had an unkind name - Eight, was angry, wayward, envious. But the parents affectionately called their youngest son Romanushka. He was kind and friendly, his parents doted on him. Vosmukha disliked Romanushka and planned to destroy him. She once took a child into a rotten swamp and drowned her. But she failed to destroy Romanushka completely. A friendly, curly tree grew in that place. They affectionately called him Rowan.”

And in the Russian folk imagination, rowan is a thin, gentle girl, suffering and crying. Rowan grows quickly and lives long (100-150 years). In good years, up to 60 kg of berries can be harvested from one tree. In the autumn, after the first frosts, rowan becomes sweeter and they begin to be collected for food. When collecting rowan, you need to leave some of the berries on each tree for winter food for birds. Tits, starlings, waxwings, and in the city also crows love rowan berries. Wood mice, voles, hedgehogs, moose and bears feast on the clusters that have fallen to the ground.

Do you guys know what rowan is used for? (children's answers: they make jam, marshmallows, jelly, marmalade, bake pies, make vitamin decoctions, infusions, juice, decorate dishes, ferment cabbage with rowan berries.)

Traditional healers consider rowan a healer. Not only the berries are used for medicinal purposes, but also the bark and leaves (rowan bark is used to treat liver diseases; the juice of fresh berries is drunk for appetite.) And rowan leaves have a disinfecting effect. They can be used instead of plantain; Rowan sprigs are laid out in the basement between potato tubers so that they are well stored.

It has long been believed that the “rowan tree spirit” drives away illnesses, so village children often sat under the rowan tree, played and danced in circles. In autumn, branches with fruits were tied into bunches and hung under the roofs of houses. This custom is associated with the idea of ​​rowan as a tree that can protect a person and his home from all sorts of troubles. Even newlyweds in Rus' put rowan leaves in their shoes, and hid the berries in their pockets (from the evil eye). And the newlyweds themselves planted rowan trees in front of their house, which protected their home from troubles and preserved happiness and peace in the family.

Folk signs about rowan:

  • The rowan will bloom - it’s time to sow flax.
  • If the rowan blossoms together, there will be a good flax harvest.
  • A lot of rowan - rainy autumn, little dry.
  • If the rowan tree is born, the rye will also be born.
  • Lots of rowan - frosty winter.

Guys! What other folk signs do you know about autumn? Well done guys, today I will introduce you to other signs. The month of October is also called cabbage. At the beginning of October there are still warm, fine days. Not all the leaves have fallen from the trees yet, but a golden snowstorm is already rustling - leaf fall. There is such a sign among the people: “If in October the leaves from the birch and oak trees do not fall completely, there will be a cold winter.” And the Russian proverb says this: “In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it swirls, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above, it sweeps from below.” Birds fly away: cranes in a wedge, geese in a string, starlings in a group.

On October 14, Orthodox peasants celebrate the holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In everyday life, ordinary people associate the Day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos with the snow cover of the earth, the completion of rural work, and the collection of the last fruits. Cover is the first winter, the onset of cold weather, frosts, and snowfall is possible. On this day, the first cold holiday, they baked blintzes (thin pancakes), “baked the corners” so that the heat would not be blown out of the home.

According to folk signs:

  • The flight of cranes to Pokrov is in the early and cold winter.
  • If the wind blows from the east on Pokrov, the winter will be cold; if it blows from the south, it will be a warm winter, and the wind from the west will be a snowy one.
  • If the squirrel has moulted before the Intercession, autumn will be good.
  • On Pokrov it is autumn before lunch, and winter after lunch.
  • Repair the hut before the Intercession, otherwise there will be no warmth.

October is also called muddy: October 27 is Praskovya's day - muddy, there is a lot of mud on the roads. People also call October leaf fall and wedding season. The clear, fine days will not last long, delighting with farewell warmth and the last flowers - cold-loving flowers. How many of you know autumn flowers? (Answers from the guys.) Look carefully at the bouquets. How can such beauty not please!

When the dust of autumn is swirling

The bread will turn yellow,

Star of the meadows - earth aster

Sends greetings to the heavenly stars.

She looks with her eyelashes open,

To the dark blue sky,

Where are her bright sisters

The cheerful ones lead a round dance.

Asters are the last smile of autumn. They are beautiful and unpretentious. According to legend, the aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star.

There are cold shadows in the blue field,

White frost in the garden at dawn...

Chrysanthemums are blooming, chrysanthemums,

It's an autumn day outside.

More than ten thousand varieties of chrysanthemums exist in the world, and it is incredibly difficult to say with certainty when exactly ancient peoples began to breed them. Archaeologists find images of chrysanthemums on fragments of marble and pottery. Chrysanthemums appear with the first frosts and therefore are cold and demanding in autumn.

Bunches of rowan berries are pouring,

The cranes are trumpeting goodbye.

Dahlias are blooming in the palisade,

They burn like the last leaves.

According to an ancient legend, dahlias appeared on the site of the last red fire at the onset of the Ice Age as a sign that glaciation will not last forever, that there will always be life and joy on earth.

The third autumn month is November. As people say, September is the grandson, October is the son, winter is the father. November is also popularly called gruden: from the piles of frozen earth. In November, the last birds fly south to avoid freezing from the winter cold. In November, “winter fights with autumn,” the days decrease, the nights increase, dark, starry. Cold mornings are coming into force, frosts are getting stronger.

In the old days, all three autumn months had completely different names. For example, September ruin - from the yellowness of autumn leaves, veresen - from blooming heather, howler - because of the roar of the winds, gloomy - because of rains and bad weather.

Guys, today you got acquainted with the legends, traditions and signs of the golden season, learned about the holiday of the Intercession, how it is celebrated in our city. This special Cossack holiday is not complete without competitions. Today is also a holiday for us, and now we will organize competitions. Since our premises do not allow horse racing and horse riding, we will hold autumn competitions. To do this, I will divide you into two teams, and each team comes up with its own name. Time - 1 minute.

(guys come up with names)

So, we have two teams: “Lukomorye” and “Buyan Island”. Let's get started warm-up Now I’m asking autumn riddles to the Lukomorye team.

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course... (leaf fall).

The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can’t sing, have fun,

Everyone gathered in flocks (birds).

The field, forest and meadow are wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know it's - (rain)

Following August comes,

Dances with the falling leaves,

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him! (September)

Our queen, autumn,

We ask you together:

Tell your children your secret,

Who is your second servant? (October)

Who doesn't let us in warmly,

Does the first snow scare us?

Who calls us to the cold,

You know? Of course yes! (november)

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,

The wind is harmful and prickly,

It's blowing like this, there's no escape!

What's happened? Give an answer! (late fall).

The sun no longer warms us,

The drifting snow is blowing cold!

A breeze blew into the puddle.

And he chained her...(ice).

Even though autumn is dirty, it is nourishing. A lot of vegetables have ripened in the garden. Guess Russian riddles about them. For the Lukomorye team

Everyone loves me

And how to undress -

Shed tears (bow).

Krugla, but not money,

Red, but not a girl.

With a tail, but not a mouse (beets).

Riddles for the Buyan Island team

Yellow bun

Sits firmly in the ground.

What is this? (turnip).

Not sewn, not cut,

And all in scars.

Seventy clothes

And all without fasteners. (cabbage)

Next task, quiz " About the forest and its inhabitants."

Questions for the Lukomorye team

1.How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

2.What does a badger eat in winter? (It’s okay, he sleeps in winter).

3. What grass do the blind know? (nettle).

4. What bird is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker).

Questions for the Buyan Island team.

1.Which insect has “ears” on its legs? (at the grasshopper).

2. What is the worst disaster for the forest? (fire)

3. Why does a snake need a tongue? (smell).

4.Where does the tit build its nest? (in a hollow tree).

The next task for the teams “Autumn crossword” is the same for a time (5 minutes) “see in the appendix”.

Horizontally: 1. Lump. 2. Pine. 3. Bark. 4.Oak.

Vertical: 1. Grapes. 2.Hazel.

Task "Vegetable variety".

For the Lukomorye team: 1. Previously, this vegetable was bred only for beauty. The Indians called it “large berry”, the French - “apple of love”, Italians - “golden apple”. You can make delicious salads and other dishes from this vegetable. (Tomato)

2. Four thousand years ago, people first tried it at the end of dinner as a sweet dish. Translated from Latin it means “head”. Without this vegetable you cannot cook borscht and cabbage soup. (Cabbage)

For the Buyan Island team: 1. Even in Ancient Egypt, people drank the aromatic juice of this vegetable. The ancient Greeks once called one of their cities this way. Not a single salad or vinaigrette can do without this vegetable. (Cucumber).

2. One English traveler imported a vegetable into one of the countries, which is very tasty for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Potato).

Competition "Forest Glade".

Guys, you should find out from the description what plant or animal we are talking about.

For the Lukomorye team: Many people consider this water flower the most beautiful - and rightly so. Pure white petals surrounded by dense dark green leaves look amazing on the surface of calm water. Just recently there were any number of these flowers, but people devoid of common sense take boats and swim to quiet creeks and tear and tear... And in vain: this flower will never stand in a vase. (Water lily).

For the Buyan Island team: These majestic birds with snow-white plumage and a flexible, graceful neck have lived in songs, fairy tales and legends since ancient times. But, alas, they are rarely found in nature, because they were a desired trophy for any hunter. And now, although hunting these birds is prohibited, we can admire them only in parks - there is nowhere else... (Swan).

Competition "Scary Stories of Nature"

And now I invite you to answer the questions of the quiz sent by Freddy Krueger himself!...

For the Lukomorye team.

They say that the repentant traitor Judas hanged himself on this tree. Since then, the leaves of the tree have been trembling as if from fear, even without any wind. A stake from the “Judas tree” was driven into the graves of villains and “sorcerers” so that they could not be resurrected. (Aspen).

For the team "Buyan Island".

On September 19, 1981, more than 300 people were eaten by these fish after an overloaded ship capsized and sank off the Brazilian port of Obidus. (Piranhas).

Competition "Quiz - test"

For the Lukomorye team.

  1. Which mosquito is the bloodsucker?
  • -Female.
  • Male.
  • Both.

Hint from the Wise Owl:

There are years when mosquitoes breed in incredible numbers. If during the breeding season the insect does not pump blood, then it will lay only one very small clutch of eggs and the offspring will be insignificant.

  1. Which bird is considered a symbol of peace?
  • Swan.
  • -Pigeon.
  • Stork.

Hint from the Wise Owl:

Even in ancient times, people noticed that no matter where these birds were taken, they always returned home. Then someone came up with the idea of ​​using this property of birds to send messages.

For the team "Buyan Island".

“A golden cone is sewn from scraps,” says a folk riddle about a pineapple. The British call it pine apple. Pineapple doesn’t look like an apple at all, but it resembles a huge pine cone.

1.Where does pineapple grow?

  • On a palm tree.
  • -On the ground.
  • Under the water.

Hint from the Wise Owl:

Look for the answer in this riddle - “He will borrow grain, but return the loaf.” (Earth).

2. Which mushroom is the most poisonous?

  • Fly agaric.
  • Gall mushroom.
  • - Death cap.

Hint from the Wise Owl:

There is a nasty old woman

She's wearing a pale hat,

And my foot is in a shoe,

There are speckles on the stocking,

The gate around it has been torn apart.

Who will touch her?

He won't wake up.

Poem reading competition on an autumn theme.

Many poems are dedicated to autumn. And now the guys, each team will tell us poems about autumn. The team receives additional points for each poem (children read the poems).

And now the jury gives the floor to sum up the results of the competition.

(the jury sums up the results)

Dear Guys! Generous autumn brought autumn gifts for all participants in our matinee - juicy and ripe apples, nuts, pears. You all actively participated in our competitions and deserved them.

Used Books:

Maksimova I.P. Signs of autumn. / I.P. Maksimova. // Scenarios of intellectual games for primary and secondary schools. - Rostov n/D: , 2010. - P. 98 -109.

Matveeva N.M. September is gloomy. For children 7-9 years old. // Books, sheet music and toys. - 2006. - No. 8. - pp. 51-57.

Matveeva N.M. Signs of autumn. // Books, sheet music and toys - 2006 - No. 9. - P.45-58.

Solodyankina S.S. Hello, autumn! // Books, sheet music and toys. - 2008. - No. 7. - P.42-45.

Shkurina M.L. Autumn. For children 7-9 years old. // Books, sheet music and toys. - 2009. - No. 7. - P.24-28.

Dementieva T.V. Riddles of the wise owl. // Read, study, play. - 2008. - No. 3. - P.95-98.

Kerimova V.V. Gold autumn. // Read, study, play. - 2008. - No. 6. - P.106-110.

Gagin D. Pokrov on the Don. // Novocherkassk Gazette. - 2013. - No. 42. - P.1.5.