Features of the production of upholstered furniture. Business plan for the production of cabinet furniture

The furniture business is an excellent choice for a young entrepreneur to start. People always buy furniture, regardless of the season and weather. Even a crisis will not change anything in your business, except that it will reduce the class of furniture from elite to classic. Therefore, open a furniture workshop a good and promising idea that will surely bring you excellent profits.

Studying the market

Furniture production can be divided into three main areas:

  1. Production of classic office furniture (cabinets, partitions, cabinets, tables). The main emphasis is on functionality and strict appearance.
  2. Production of kitchens and furniture. The kitchen is the face of the home, it is where people spend most of their free time, so it should be equipped with comfortable and high-quality furniture. Every year the demand for kitchen sets is growing by an average of 15%.
  3. Production of furniture to order. This is the most promising type of business. Furniture is created depending on the client's requirements, according to individual sizes and drawings.

Starting a furniture business is not difficult - a minimal investment is enough

Note: in megacities you will face serious competition, so it is best to start this business either in small cities or enter the market with an original and promising offer.

Be sure to find out if there are similar furniture manufacturing workshops in your city, what services they offer, what the real furniture production times are and the price range of your competitors. Think about what you can do better to win over customers.

Premises requirement

To organize a full-fledged factory, you need three full-size premises. This:

  1. Furniture production workshop. Its area must be at least 100 m2.
  2. Office. Managers will work here, concluding contracts for the purchase of raw materials and accessories, as well as for the sale of finished products. Often the office has a small exhibition stand with samples of materials and furniture, or even a small shop.
  3. Stock. This room will be used to store material and finished products. It should be spacious (about 70-100 square meters) and dry.

These premises may be located in the same building or scattered throughout the city. For example, the workshop itself will be located on the outskirts, and the office with samples will be in the city center or in a convenient location. This will significantly increase the number of possible clients. The warehouse can also be located on the outskirts of the factory. This will allow you to reduce rental prices several times and avoid complaints from residents about the constant noise from cutting material.

The premises for furniture production should be spacious

Purchase of necessary equipment

To start the production of upholstered furniture as a business, you should have a sufficient amount to purchase the appropriate equipment. You can, of course, cooperate with other workshops for cutting furniture sheets, but this will significantly increase the lead time of orders and the cost of finished products, which will reduce all your competitive advantages to nothing. Therefore, it is definitely necessary to buy machines. To save money, you can buy used equipment - its price can be 30-50% lower than that of new one. But you need to have a good understanding of the machines so as not to buy ones that have already been written off.

Read also: Shoe cover production machine

To work you will need the following types of machines:

  1. Band saws. Such equipment is used for precise cutting of wood, MDF or chipboard to the ordered sizes.
  2. Dryers. These machines are used if you plan to work with natural wood and it will need to be dried to a certain humidity.
  3. Machines for decorating and fine processing of wood. Used for shaping wood, processing edges, cutting various chamfers, and other milling and drilling machines.
  4. Devices for working with glass. This includes sandblasting machines, drilling machines, engraving machines, cutting machines, etc.
  5. Devices for working with metal. This includes welding, drilling, cutting, and polishing metal.
  6. Sewing equipment for creating upholstery, covers and various soft furniture elements.
  7. Tools. These include hand drills, screwdrivers, staplers, screwdrivers, planes, hammers, etc.

Also, for the production of furniture you will need a variety of fiberboard and chipboard sheets, MDF boards, high-quality fittings and a large number of fasteners. Consumables: various varnishes, paints, adhesives, etc.


A lot in the furniture business depends on the staff. To build a furniture business from scratch, you need skilled and responsible workers who will accompany the product at all stages from design to sale and installation to customers. You will definitely need:

  1. A manager who will be responsible for accepting orders, drawing up contracts for the supply of necessary fittings and materials, and providing project support.
  2. Director of operations. The responsibilities of this person include control over every stage of furniture production. This is a foreman who monitors the workers, organizes their work and accepts ready-made orders.
  3. Workers. For a small workshop, 3-4 people are enough; for a medium one, up to 8 specialists may be needed. Their responsibilities include the entire cycle of work on the production of furniture from raw materials.
  4. Driver. This person will be responsible for delivering furniture to customers from the warehouse. Also ensures the delivery of necessary materials.

Qualified personnel are the basis of your business

This is the minimum possible staff for operating a mini-factory that produces furniture. You can play the role of manager and accountant in the first stages - there is nothing difficult about it. If you don’t want to waste time, you can hire people, but this will reduce the payback period due to salaries.


You can start creating a marketing plan even before you open. The goal of this plan is to properly organize various events to sell the maximum possible amount of finished products. How to sell furniture correctly?

  1. Open an exhibition center or mini-shop in your office.
  2. Conclude an agreement with furniture stores and offer products for sale to them.
  3. Start working with tenders created by budgetary organizations. Very often, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and various municipal institutions become regular clients, bringing in serious money.
  4. Interest several large private clients. These could be banks that periodically open new branches, various offices, etc.
  5. Create your own website on which you need to post detailed information about the furniture, telephone numbers for contact and a detailed price list.
  6. Create groups on social networks and support them.
  7. Launch classic advertising: banners, leaflets, banners, signs, billboards.
  8. Advertising in the media: radio, TV, newspapers, magazines.

How much money do you need to open?

It is impossible to accurately calculate how much money is needed to start furniture production as a business from scratch without knowing the specifics of your region: everything greatly depends on the level of rent, the chosen work profile, the number of workers and equipment. We will provide national average prices, which will be fair in almost 80% of cases.

  1. Purchasing premises for running a business will cost approximately 1 million rubles. If you rent a building, you will spend about 50-70 thousand a month, that is, it is still more profitable to buy a building.
  2. Purchase of equipment for the factory, its delivery and installation – 600,000.
  3. Repair of the building, paperwork – 300,000.
  4. Consumables – 250,000.

Never skimp on fittings and tools

Now let's calculate fixed costs. These will include:

  1. Utility fee – 30,000.
  2. Salary – 180,000.
  3. Fixed costs for maintaining the website, social networks, advertising and marketing – 20,000.
  4. Other expenses, incl. and taxes - 30,000.

In our country, the production of cabinet furniture is mainly carried out by medium and small enterprises. If you have chosen this direction as a business, first decide what kind of furniture you will produce:

  • Office;
  • Kitchen;
  • Specialized.

Furniture sales are growing annually by 20–25%. People update it without waiting for the products to become unusable. Wealthy consumers can change furniture every 3–4 years. In addition, such products are purchased by offices, medical institutions and industrial enterprises. The production of cabinet furniture is a direct path to success and a prosperous life.

Owning your own furniture company is a fairly promising business. Before you start work, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with all the stages of production and leave a competent business plan for the production of cabinet furniture.

Business registration

To open a furniture production workshop, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. Thanks to this, you will be able to conduct tax and accounting reporting using a simplified system. This option is suitable for production that carries out orders for individuals.

If you plan to work with government agencies and legal entities, it is better to register a limited liability company. Don't forget to enter the code okved furniture production. This is an important point to remember.

It is advisable that the enterprise be managed by its owner. Tax and accounting reporting can also be done in-house. The success of such a project is assessed by experts as high, since over the past 10 years the demand for custom-made furniture has increased by 20%.

Sales market

Before starting the production of cabinet furniture as a business, it is tedious to check this type of income in practice. To do this, you should carefully analyze the market in your region and determine the level of competition.

After this, pay attention to all the shortcomings and shortcomings in the work of other entrepreneurs in order to eliminate them at the first stage of the project. In addition, plan in advance the main marketing and promotional activities that will allow you to quickly promote your products in the market.

We are planning production

To start the production of custom-made cabinet furniture, you need to find a suitable premises.

There should be two of them:

  1. Office.
  2. Industrial building.

It is advisable that the office space be located in a convenient location so that clients can easily reach you and place an order.

The production workshop can be located in any area of ​​the city. When choosing a room, you should be guided by its size and rent. The lower it is, the lower the costs.

The most ideal option is production and office in one room. You can also open a showroom nearby where finished products will be displayed.

After you select a suitable premises, you need to purchase software and equipment.

Machines and tools

When purchasing equipment for the production of cabinet furniture, many beginning entrepreneurs cannot decide on the choice of hand tools. Some believe that you need to purchase inexpensive products and, if necessary, replace them with new ones. Other craftsmen work with expensive tools from well-known brands. Leave your choice to products from the mid-price range.

To work you will need:

  • Electric drill;
  • Screwdriver, powered by mains and battery;
  • Manual frezer;
  • Special hair dryer;
  • Grinding machine;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Miter saw;
  • Miter box;
  • Cutting tool;
  • Hammer.

In addition, you need to purchase machines for the production of cabinet furniture for the workshop. They are presented on the market in a huge assortment, so there will be no problems with the choice.


First of all, you will need a worker who will take orders. It is desirable that he be able to use specialized and office computer programs, which are provided by the technology of manufacturing cabinet furniture. Since this person will interact with clients, he should be enterprising and non-confrontational.

Before starting production, you need to recruit qualified specialists who are familiar with the characteristics of materials and know how to handle the equipment installed in the workshop. All personnel must undergo safety training.

So, to work at a furniture company you need to hire:

  • A designer who will work with clients and accept orders from them;
  • Workers in a production workshop;
  • Seller in a showroom;
  • Driver;

When drawing up a business plan, you need to consider the following expenses:

  • Rent of office and industrial premises – 3–5 thousand dollars;
  • Equipment – ​​6–8 thousand dollars;
  • Consumables – 4 thousand dollars;
  • Salary – 500–800 dollars.

The business plan should take into account one more important point - materials for the production of cabinet furniture, their types and cost.


To organize the production of OKVED furniture, you need to have a starting capital of 17–20 thousand dollars. It will take about a month to set up the workshop and all the legal details. You can start large-scale production in just 2 months. The enterprise will fully pay for itself in just a year.

If you take into account all the nuances and prevent possible risks, there is no doubt that the business will be successful and profitable. The most important thing is not to deviate from the chosen strategy and gradually move in the right direction.

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Business prospects

If you constantly save part of the money you earn, in 2-3 years you will reach a new level. When fulfilling orders, try to get acquainted with construction teams, since furniture makers and are two integral areas. The number of clients and the profitability of the enterprise can be increased with the help of Internet projects.

Try to constantly expand your production base - expand areas and modernize production. Allocate funds for an edge banding and sizing machine. This equipment will allow you to correct errors on the spot, which will significantly save your money. Before taking out a loan, objectively assess your capabilities so as not to incur losses. It is advisable to buy such expensive equipment with your own money. It justifies itself only with large production volumes. Videos about the production of cabinet furniture can be viewed on the Internet.

Let's sum it up

In our country, furniture production has always been considered a promising business area. In addition, many citizens still have not replaced the headsets in their homes that were purchased back in Soviet times. They dream of new furniture and save money for it, so there will be no problems with selling their products. Furniture makers will never be left without work, there is no doubt about that.

Sober-minded beginning entrepreneurs try to cut down their needs at first and direct all funds to expand production. In addition, part of the money should be left to be used in force majeure circumstances. Of course, you need to strive to ensure that everything is smooth and calm, but anything can happen in life, so you need to look far into the future.

Furniture production is a fairly wide and profitable market segment. The costs of starting a business vary depending on the expected scale of future production, but are stable and high. Before starting your own furniture manufacturing business, an entrepreneur needs to study the step-by-step instructions and draw up a competent business plan.

So, how to start a furniture production from scratch?

Important steps when starting a business are:

  1. Choosing a production direction.
  2. Analysis of the market situation, study of product sales options.
  3. Selecting a location.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Selection
  6. Creating a business plan for a furniture factory.

What furniture is most relevant?

The choice of production direction is determined by modern economic development and the situation in the country.

What to look for when choosing a specialization in furniture production?

  1. Increasing the number of business centers means the relevance of office furniture will increase.
  2. Changes in legislation - for example, a legislative act will appear on increasing the space of stores and pharmacies, and accordingly, the demand for equipment will increase.
  3. Development of the real estate market - the most in demand will be custom-made furniture (kitchens, hallways, wardrobes).
  4. Updating the design of apartments and houses - since the high-tech style is popular at this time, built-in furniture is in particular demand.

Market situation analysis

The domestic market is filled with small furniture manufacturing companies that produce narrowly focused products - built-in or frameless, glass or kitchen, trade or exhibition equipment, and so on. There are few real furniture giants in Russia.

The most profitable options for furniture production as a business are:

  • Furniture workshops.
  • Furniture factories.

Determining the circle of clients

When choosing a type of production, it is important not to make a mistake with the category of buyers who are interested in purchasing the product.

Study the relevance of production and the purchasing power of the population in your city, paying attention to these criteria:

  • what style does the prospective client like;
  • what design he prefers;
  • how much he is willing to pay for furniture.

Based on the obtained facts, it is possible to determine specialization and scale of production, which will bring maximum profit.

How to sell furniture products?

You can sell goods in the following ways:

  1. By opening my own furniture store.
  2. Having concluded an agreement with a large chain and small furniture stores.
  3. Directly, organizing delivery to large companies and government. institutions.

Preparation of documents when opening a furniture business

To start a legal activity you need or. If large-scale production is planned, then it is advisable, since this will provide an opportunity with large companies.

If the premises of the furniture workshop have not undergone a fire safety inspection, then you will need to invite fire inspectors and obtain permission from them. You need permission to work from the SES and the environmental commission. Also, when renting a premises, you will need to conclude an agreement.

When hiring employees, you will need to register them with other government agencies.

Selecting premises for production and sales of products

For the full functioning of furniture production and product sales, two premises are needed:

  1. Office. It should be located in places with the highest customer traffic, in shopping and business centers, in the central area of ​​the city. The area of ​​the premises should not be less than 50 square meters, the office should have cosmetic repairs and be equipped with communications.
  2. Production. The premises in which the furniture will be made can be rented on the outskirts to reduce the rent. The main requirements for it are the presence of heating, a large area (from 600 square meters), the possibility of organizing storage facilities and access to the production site.

Purchase of equipment for production

To implement the idea of ​​furniture production, you need equipment, the main types of which are:

  • small tools;
  • vice;
  • turning and milling machines;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • electric jigsaws;
  • table;
  • machines with installed programs for the production and modeling of furniture;
  • printer for printing drawings of models and contracts.

A significant expense item will be the purchase of fittings, basic and finishing materials.

Hiring staff

The most important criterion when hiring personnel is the professionalism of employees. As a rule, medium- and small-scale production employs a team of 10 to 60 workers.

Minimum staff for furniture production

  • procurers;
  • sales and supply manager;
  • painters;
  • furniture assemblers;
  • designers;
  • carpenters;
  • storekeepers;
  • office worker - consultant;

Such a minimum staff will allow a small furniture production enterprise to operate fully. When this happens, the number of hired workers can be increased.

Furniture production business plan: profitability and costs

The profitability of the furniture business, despite the market saturation in this sector, is high and can reach 300%. At first, you shouldn’t count on high profits, but within a year the profitability of production will reach 45–50%, and will increase in the future.

The costs of a furniture business directly depend on its scale, so they can only be calculated approximately.

One-time expenses

  • purchase of equipment - from $29,000;
  • purchase of office equipment and software - from $3,000;
  • materials and components - individually, depends on the manufacturer.

Monthly expenses

  • office and production space rental - individually, from $5,000;
  • payments (35 people) - from $15,000;
  • to government agencies - from $1,000.

The cost item must also include expenses for:

  1. advertising;
  2. uniform for employees;
  3. PR materials (business cards, flyers, catalogues);
  4. development and maintenance of a website.

Thus, opening a small manufacturing business costs at least $75,000. It is advisable to add about 20% to this amount for unforeseen expenses, the final amount will become the minimum, which will allow you to open a furniture business without borrowing funds.

Furniture production as a business: features and advice from furniture “sharks”

Custom-made furniture is in particular demand among buyers. In order for the flow of clients to increase, you must come up with something new, your own. A small company, of course, can do without innovations, but large-scale production of standard, “like everyone else” furniture will not bring much profit.

An important feature of furniture production is the lack of mandatory certification of goods; only the materials from which the products are made are subject to it. Products produced in series must comply with GOST (19917–93 – for lying and sitting; 16371–93 – general technical conditions).

A very effective way to increase profits is to open your own furniture store, where customers will have the opportunity to purchase ready-made products and not waste your time waiting for them.

Furniture production is a business accessible to entrepreneurs with any starting capital. Almost anyone can open a small furniture production shop, but in order for it to bring consistently high profits, it is necessary to approach its implementation competently. Large production will require considerable investments from the entrepreneur, but the payback period and reaching a stable profit for such a business is shorter.

When you decide to open a furniture business, be sure to evaluate your capabilities and knowledge, which will reflect the costs and profits, relevance and profitability of the idea. With this approach, your enterprise is doomed to success!

How to start a furniture production from scratch? Watch the following video instructions:

Every person strives to ensure that his home is cozy, harmonious and unique. The latter is usually achieved through furniture that no one else has, made to order according to an individual drawing. That is why the production of cabinet furniture is a business that will always be in demand and profitable. Investments in it are not too large, but depend on some factors and aspects.

Investments in business

Firstly, register your business. How exactly is up to you. It is usually more profitable and cheaper to open an individual entrepreneur, because the package of documents for it is smaller, and registration is faster. On average across the country, it costs about 10-15 thousand rubles to register.

Secondly, the premises. There are possible options here. Do you want large-scale production? Buy or rent premises for special workshops. Do you want to open a small workshop on your garden plot? Get all the necessary permits and go for it. The last option is most convenient in the middle zone, in small towns. Manufacturing cabinet furniture is profitable in any type of city, provided that you have thoroughly studied the competitors and the price threshold for the products. It is better not to inflate the price at the initial stage. It is important to focus on quality, gradually increasing the price. You can indicate in advance that your individual projects are more expensive.

Thirdly, it is a consumable item. It is better to purchase it at a wholesale price from those manufacturers who are closest to your workshop. This way, less money will be spent on transportation.

Fourthly, this is equipment. This can be either expensive automated or intended for manual work. The latter is relevant when your workshop is small and your plans are to work only on individual orders. This is beneficial only when the population of the city does not exceed 300-500 thousand people. Equipment for the production of cabinet furniture in the minimum set includes:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. plane;
  3. Fraser;
  4. lathe machine;
  5. electric saws;
  6. machine for cutting material.

On average, high-quality equipment will cost about 50-70 thousand rubles. This only applies to small production. If the plans include a huge workshop, then automated lines with software will cost about 300-400 thousand rubles.

In addition, if two workers are enough to work in a small workshop, then about 5-7 workers are required for a large production. Then it is worth including wages in your monthly expenses. This is about 10-13 thousand rubles for each.

Total investments will be:

  1. documents (15 thousand rubles);
  2. premises (from 10 to 100 thousand rubles depending on size and location);
  3. consumables (each region has its own price threshold);
  4. equipment (from 50 to 400 thousand rubles depending on the type of production).

Income, profitability, payback

Manufacturing cabinet furniture pays off depending on the scale of production. A large one can pay for itself in 1-3 years, or maybe in six months. This is determined by the number of orders, sales and price. The more unique and original the sketch, the higher the price. Typical cabinet furniture is cheaper, although the demand for it is consistently high. A small workshop can pay for itself in either six months or a couple of months. It is important that your work is always stable. Ideally, you should take into account the wishes of potential customers even before they contact you. So, you can study the many models presented on the markets.

Don't forget that it's worth putting a little money and effort into advertising. Without it, it is quite difficult to stand out from other manufacturers. In addition, it is advisable that you have an office where there will be

Your own business: production of cabinet furniture

orders accepted. Ideally, all office furniture should be the result of your workshop. You will also need a portfolio, customer reviews, and a motto. The latter should be bright and memorable.

Large-scale production can generate net profit from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. It is important that you have regular large and wholesale customers who will always provide you with work.

In a small workshop, it is more logical to produce custom-made furniture. This way you won't work at a loss. Although it’s worth making a couple of orders and putting them up for sale so that clients can evaluate your work, quality and originality. You can earn from 10 to 80 thousand rubles.

The good thing is that this work is not seasonal. You can sell and make furniture at any time of the year. In addition, you can hire a creative young specialist who will help with the design of your projects.

In this article:

Upholstered furniture occupies about 15% of the total furniture market, and its production is a fairly attractive niche, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

What is the reason for such popularity?

Firstly, the production of upholstered furniture is increasingly becoming "make to order" form. If it is difficult for private entrepreneurs to compete with large enterprises producing cabinet furniture and solid wood products, then in the production of small batches of upholstered furniture this is quite possible (of course, in terms of the profitability of the business, and not its volume - factories here have no competition).

Secondly - Most of the work in production is done manually, so no expensive equipment is required.

Third - small businesses adapt more flexibly to fashion trends and changes in consumer tastes. While it takes about three months for a factory to reconfigure a new model, a small business can pivot in a matter of days. Various wood materials, as well as upholstery, exotic colors, masterful imitation of expensive fabrics - on such “bricks” of exclusivity, an experienced entrepreneur can build a profitable business with the prospect of further expansion.

What is “upholstered furniture”?

In fact, there is no such term in any standard or regulatory and technical documentation. There is furniture designed for sitting and lying, which includes:

  • sofa,
  • armchair,
  • chair,
  • ottoman,
  • couch,
  • banquette,
  • chaise lounge.

Many of the above types of furniture can have both hard and soft seats (for example, the same sofa or chair), and all of them fall into the category of furniture for sitting and lying. But to the “unrecognized” but well-known variety upholstered furniture– only items with soft elements: springs, pillows, various fillers.

Upholstered furniture market analysis

An assessment of consumer demand shows that wealthy buyers purchase new sofas and armchairs at least once every 3-4 years. But at the same time, 60% of the domestic upholstered furniture market is occupied by mid-price products, and premium class furniture – only 13%. This is due to the fact that buyers of expensive furniture prefer branded imported products.

The trends in today's upholstered furniture market are as follows:

  1. Most entrepreneurs prefer to work on individual orders; “on-line” production is gradually becoming obsolete. The buyer is not interested in a product that can be found in every third furniture store - today the originality of design plays a leading role, which is sometimes inferior even to performance properties (a typical example is white upholstered furniture or sofas with silk upholstery);
  2. For the successful operation of upholstered furniture production, sufficiently large working capital is required (at a relatively low cost of production equipment). They are needed for the purchase and storage of a large assortment and quantity of fabrics and other upholstery material for quick fulfillment of orders. This happens because it is not always possible to withdraw money from circulation - funds can be frozen in the form of finished products during the furniture “off season”;
  3. According to the experience of existing manufacturers, sales through stores show the following result: out of 1000 pieces put up for sale, about 200-250 are sold.
  4. You should count on selling the goods in the region in which the production workshop is located - most upholstered furniture products (primarily sofas) cannot be transported disassembled. Delivery to remote regions will be expensive, which will significantly affect the competitiveness and selling price of the product (this is why in Russia there is practically no imported furniture in the low and medium price range - it is profitable to supply only premium-class products).
  5. Our compatriots traditionally prefer upholstered furniture with transforming mechanisms(in the West the situation is the opposite - living room sofas do not fold out). The most popular transforming models: eurobook And dolphin.

Technological process for the production of upholstered furniture

Consider the production of sofas

Let's look at the example of the production of the most popular and technologically complex representative of the “upholstered furniture” category - sofa. Unlike armchairs, stools and other furniture, this involves the use of a transforming mechanism that turns the sofa into a bed.

So, all sofas have a common component structure:

  • the frame is the main structural element on which the remaining parts of the sofa are attached. It performs the main strength functions during the operation of furniture, and is the basis for fastening other parts when forming the appearance and imparting softness;
  • elements of “elasticity” (soft fillers and spring blocks);
  • transformation mechanism;
  • cover with upholstery fabric.

Manufacturing technology:

1) In the carpentry shop, plywood and boards are cut into wooden blanks, which are then assembled into the frame of future upholstered furniture.

Procurement operations take place in the following stages:

  • On a cross-cutting machine, lumber (plywood) is cut to length;
  • The plywood is cut to width on a circular saw;
  • The resulting part is ground on a four-sided machine, after which a tenoning machine cuts out tenons and eyes in it;
  • Using hand-held power tools, internal parts are cut out of boards (fibreboard, chipboard);
  • The transformation mechanism is attached (for folding sofas);
  • The base frame is assembled.

2) Finished frames arrive at the upholstery shop, where they are covered with foam rubber and fired with upholstery material. To begin with, a special non-woven material is glued onto a wooden base - darnit. This helps to avoid knocks and squeaks during operation of the finished product.

3) Soft elements are installed – spring blocks, which perform an orthopedic function. The blocks are fixed evenly along the entire perimeter and in the central part

4) Along the perimeter of the block foam rubber is glued, which eliminates the possibility of contact with the solid frame frame

5) On top of the spring block dense woven material is glued, which prevents abrasion of the overlying layer of cushioning material against the springs of the block.

6) Most often used as a cushioning material spangon, foam rubber or coconut coir.

Spangon and foam rubber(secondary foaming) is a cheaper option, but after a year or two of active use such a sofa begins to “sag” and fail.

Coconut coir– a tougher and more durable material that will last about 7-8 years.

7) After the cushioning material there is another element of softness - foam rubber 40 mm high, density 35-42. It is necessary to install a padding polyester between the foam rubber and the upholstery material, which will allow the foam rubber to “breathe”

8) The sewing workshop uses equipment to work with any type of finishing - from faux fur to genuine leather. Here the cutting of upholstery fabric for future sofas is carried out, which in the upholstery shop is “targeted” to a multi-layer base.

9) Here sew covers for certain elements of upholstered furniture(pillows, backrests, armrests, seats). They are “dressed” on a base frame with a glued soft filler - foam rubber, padding polyester.

10) After control assembly and finishing, the product is packaged using polyethylene, cardboard and sent to the finished product warehouse.

Business plan for opening an enterprise for the production of upholstered furniture

1) Legal form of the enterprise

To launch the production of upholstered furniture ( for example - sofas) a decision was made to organize an enterprise with the legal form of ownership of LLC on the general taxation system.

To manufacture upholstered furniture and its subsequent sale, the charter must indicate the following activity codes according to OKVED:

  • 36.14 — Production of other furniture,
  • 51.47.11 Wholesale trade of furniture,
  • 52.44.1 Retail sale of furniture.

2) Certification and GOST

The production of upholstered furniture does not require a license, but in order for the product to receive a quality certificate, the manufacturing technology must comply with the following GOSTs:

  • 19917-93 Furniture for sitting and lying. Technical conditions.
  • 16371-93 Furniture. General technical conditions.
  • 21640-91 Furniture for sitting and lying. Soft elements. Method for determining softness.
  • 19120-93 Furniture for sitting and lying. Sofa beds, sofas, chair beds, lounge chairs, couches, ottomans, benches, banquettes. Test methods.
  • 13025.2-85 Household furniture. Functional dimensions of furniture for sitting and lying.

3) Necessary equipment for starting the production of upholstered furniture

To operate the production workshop, you must purchase the following equipment:

  • Combined machine KSM 1A for wood processing – 20,000 rubles;
  • Multi-saw edger TsDK-5 – RUB 31,800;
  • Lathe – 8,500 rubles;
  • Cross-cutting machine (TsKB-40) – 21,000 rubles;
  • Circular saw – 19,900 rubles;
  • Grinding (four-sided) machine – 38,000 rubles;
  • Milling machine with tenoning carriage – 14,800 rubles;
  • Drying equipment – ​​11,000 rubles;
  • Pneumatic clamps – 4,500 rubles;
  • Hand-held power tools (drills, hammer drills, screwdrivers) – RUB 10,000;
  • Cutting tables (2 pieces) – 8,000 rubles;
  • Sewing machine class 1022 – 5800 rubles;
  • Sighting guns: 2 pneumatic steppers for fastening fabric – 2500 rub. and a pneumatic gun for attaching spring blocks - 1300 rubles;
  • Cutting tools (scissors, knives) – 2000 rubles;
  • Measuring and marking materials (rulers, protractors, folding meters, etc.) – 500 rubles.

Total: 199,600 rub.

For the operation of the office and warehouse it is planned to purchase auxiliary equipment:

  • Office equipment (computer, laptop, printer, modeling program - “furniture designer”);
  • Office furniture (tables, chairs, safe, exhibition stands);
  • Furniture for a warehouse (tables, chairs, closed and open shelving).

Total – 88,000 rubles.

Total fixed assets: RUB 287,600.

4) Premises for the production workshop

To locate an enterprise for the production of upholstered furniture, it was decided to rent a production workshop with an area of ​​450 m2 at a price of 180 rubles/m2. The basic requirements for the premises are standard for a workshop for the production of any wooden furniture: three-phase electricity, control of humidity levels, availability of access roads, heating and other communications.

The room will be divided as follows:

  • materials warehouse (with a compartment for drying boards) – 50 m2;
  • carpentry shop – 80 m2;
  • sewing and upholstery shop – 70 m2;
  • assembly and packaging workshop – 50 m2;
  • warehouse for finished products – 100 m2;
  • office – 30 m2;
  • exhibition hall – 70 m2

Total: monthly rental price: 450 m2 * 180 rubles = 81,000 rubles.

5) Personnel for an upholstered furniture production company

  • director – 30,000 rubles;
  • accountant – 15,000 rubles;
  • designer-acceptor of orders – 15,000 rubles;
  • sales manager – 15,000 rubles;
  • production foreman – 20,000 rubles;
  • 2 workers in a carpentry shop (joiners-assemblers) – 30,000 rubles;
  • seamstress-cutter – 10,000 rubles;
  • worker in the upholstery shop – 15,000 rubles;
  • 2 auxiliary workers – 16,000 rubles.

Salary fund: 166,000 rubles/month.

6) Production plan

At the initial stage, it is planned to produce 100 sofas per month. In the future, the number of products will increase in accordance with custom agreements, and the product range will be replenished with folding chairs and furniture sets (sofa + 2 armchairs).

Having studied the prices for sale and the types of sofas of similar designs in stores in the region, it was decided to focus on original tapestry fabric with multi-color embroidery that would suit any interior.

7) Calculation of consumption of materials and raw materials

Calculation of the consumption of materials and raw materials for the manufacture of a unit of product (soft sofa):

  • plywood - 1 m 2 *59 rubles = 59 rubles;
  • edged board - 0.08 m 3 * 600 rubles = 48 rubles;
  • Fiberboard – 2 sheets * 70 rubles = 140 rubles;
  • nails – 0.7 kg * 12 rubles = 8.40 rubles;
  • bolts – 0.5 kg * 20 rubles = 10 rubles;
  • screws – 0.2 kg * 20 rubles = 4 rubles;
  • tapestry – 8.4 l.m. * 220 rubles = 1848 rubles;
  • threads – 0.1b * 6 rubles = 0.60 rubles;
  • glue – 0.2 kg * 15 rubles = 3 rubles;
  • cardboard – 2 kg * 12 rubles = 24 rubles;
  • polyethylene - 13 m 2 * 9 = 117 rubles;
  • foam rubber – 0.3 kg * 45 rubles = 13.50;
  • batting – 4 l.m. * 28 rubles = 112 rubles;
  • accessories - 30 rubles;
  • pillows – 6 pieces * 80 rubles = 480 rubles;
  • fabric 1 m * 90 rubles = 90 rubles.

Total: RUB 2987.50

8) Calculation of other material costs:

  • advertising costs – 30,000 rubles;
  • payment for water supply – 82.23 m3 * 5.3 rubles = 440.00 rubles;
  • electricity – 2191 kW/hour * 0.25 rubles = 547.75 rubles;
  • production flow – 61.9 m 3 * 20 rubles = 1238 rubles;
  • heating - 4.099 Gcal * 102.47 rubles = 420.02 rubles;
  • payment for security and alarm systems – 1700 rubles;
  • telephone and internet – 3100 rubles;
  • salary taxes – 62,250 rubles;
  • depreciation – 14,380 rubles.

Total: 114,075.77 rubles/month.

9) Cost and selling price

Calculation of cost per 1 product = (Material costs for 1 product + labor costs + other costs) / quantity of products

Cost = (2987.5 rubles * 100 pieces + 166,000 rubles + 114,075.77 rubles)/100 pieces = 5788.26 rubles.

Selling price = cost of 1 product + profit margin (25%) = 7235.33 rubles

10) Calculation of projected net profit and payback period for the production of upholstered furniture

Revenue for the month – 100 pieces * 7235.33 rubles = 723,533 rubles;

Costs for the month (material + salary + other costs) = 2987.5 rubles * 100 pieces + 166,000 rubles + 114,075.77 rubles = 578,825.77 rubles

Income taxes - (Revenue - Costs) * 20% = 28,941.45 rubles.

Net profit (Revenue – Costs – Taxes) = RUB 115,765.78

Production profitability – 25%

Return on Investment = Net Profit/Capex = 4 months.