A rational regime of work and rest is the basis of safe work. Presentation: Work and rest schedule Occupational safety lessons

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TOPIC: Work and rest schedule for students

Educational questions 1. Regime is a necessary condition for a healthy lifestyle 2. Mental and physical performance 3. Students’ daily routine 4. Prevention of overwork

A person lives by the 24-hour rhythm of the Earth. During the day the following changes: Body temperature Heart rate Blood pressure level Performance

Remember - all human organs have their own biological rhythms

2. Mental and physical performance of a person The mental performance of a person changes throughout the day. The best period is from 9 to 11 o’clock After rest from 16 to 17 o’clock

Physical performance of a person is strongest from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 14 to 17 o'clock Weakest from 3 to 5 o'clock

Schoolchild's daily routine Waking up Morning exercises Breakfast Class at school Lunch Walk Preparing homework Dinner Free time sleep


Signs of overfatigue Frequent headaches Poor sleep Having nightmares Feeling exhausted and tired after sleep Poor appetite

To prevent overwork: Eliminate or reduce exposure to harmful irritating factors Organize your rest properly (alternating between different types of activities) Eat nutritiously

Questions for review How to understand the concept of biological rhythms? When is the best time to prepare lessons? When to exercise? Daily regime. How to avoid overwork?

Homework Analyze your daily routine and give an assessment

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

“Seriousness should reign at school, allowing for jokes, but not turning the whole thing into a joke... Learning is work and should remain work, full of thought...” K. Ushinsky

The main idea of ​​the experience of my work is through the use of interactive learning technology techniques that promote the development of communication skills, to try, together with students, to find a common...

summer work and recreation program Summer travel

The goal of the program is to create conditions for organized recreation for students during the summer, to strengthen the physical, mental and emotional health of children, to develop the creative abilities of children...

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Daily routine of a high school student Diet Rational nutrition Homework Sleep Biorhythms Test Test results How to develop the habit of getting up early? Helping sleepyheads Daily rest healthy lifestyle

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Daily routine for a high school student

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    Diet should be maintained. It should be correct: in the morning - milk porridge and a sandwich with tea for lunch - first and second for dinner - juices.

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    Balanced diet

    The presence of products of high biological value is required: fermented milk products fish meat fruits vegetables

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    After lessons you should rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Homework should be completed in order of difficulty

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    Sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. You need to go to bed at approximately the same time.

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    Owls Larks Pigeons

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    1. If you were given a choice (regardless of school activities and all that jazz), what time would you go to bed? a) after one o'clock in the morning; b) up to ten; c) most likely somewhere around twelve. 2. What to eat in the morning is a matter of taste. What breakfast do you prefer in the first hour after waking up? a) something significant, and more; b) A glass of juice or tea; c) You can have a boiled egg or a sandwich. 3. If you try to remember all sorts of tensions and showdowns with friends, then at what time do they most often occur? a) of course, in the morning, when I’m still slow to think! b) in the late afternoon; c) I can’t remember exactly. 4. Think about what you could give up more easily, so as not to feel discomfort? a) from morning tea or coffee; b) from evening tea drinking; c) in general, I don’t care when to drink tea...

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    5. If you know that you definitely need to get up early the next day, will you try to fall asleep earlier than usual? a) definitely - an hour and a half to two; b) in my opinion, this is not necessary... c) no. 6. Try to figure out whether it is difficult for you to wake up with an alarm clock? How do you feel when he rings early in the morning? a) I am sometimes ready to break it; b) in principle no; c) it just depends on what time I go to bed the night before. 7. Think about it, during the holidays (vacation) do you get up as early as usual when you get ready to go to school (work)? a) I sleep as much as I want; b) yes, it just so happens: I do it as if out of habit; c) difficult to say. 8. Try to determine a period of time equal to one minute without a clock (with someone’s help). How exactly did you manage to do this? a) it turned out to be less than a minute; b) it took more than a minute; c) hit (a) almost to the point.

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    Calculate your points

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    Test results.

    0-18 points LARK 18-33 points OWL 34-48 points DOVE

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    Night owl people are more active in the evenings, and during the day they move around like sleepy flies. back

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    Those who get up early and manage to get a lot done in the morning are called “larks.” back

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    Such people do not have clear instructions to only get up early or, conversely, to always wake up closer to lunch. back

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    How to develop the habit of waking up early?

    Clearly understand the reason why you want to get up early (in our case, not to be late for school) Set your alarm clock for a certain time. The alarm clock should turn off immediately, without the possibility of “wake up”. The alarm clock should be located far from the bed. You shouldn't be able to turn it off while lying in bed. Place the clothes you put on in the morning on the way to your alarm clock. This will help you cut off the path to retreat (go back to bed) and remind you of the seriousness of your intention. Eat a lot in the morning, little in the evening. In the evening, replace meat with fruits and vegetables. Sleep lying on your back on a low pillow (or without one at all). Ventilate the room before going to bed. Make sure the room is quiet and dark during sleep.

    Keywords: narrative, sequence, processes, message, chronology, information.

    Narration- a way of presenting material that reflects the time sequence of actions, events, phenomena. The subject of the story is processes, the course of events, and human activities. These are various messages about something or someone, historical information, excursions, biographical information, etc.

    Narration, as a type of presentation, presents information about events, facts, and processes in public and personal life.

    The invariant scheme of narrative as a text type includes a number of components:

    1) characteristics of the communication situation, in which the attitude of the author to the recipient of information is determined, the tasks of communication are formulated, and the functions of communication are called;

    2) a list of structural and compositional parts, which, as a rule, includes:

    The beginning of the event (or the beginning);

    Development of the event (development of action, climax);

    The end of the event (or denouement).

    The linguistic features of this type of monologue speech consist in the use of a number of predicate verbs with the meaning of a sequence of actions, as well as forms of words or phrases expressing adverbial meanings of time, place, etc. In its “pure” form, narration almost does not exist: it, as a rule, includes contains elements of description and reasoning.

    Narration, in contrast to description, is a depiction of events or phenomena that do not occur simultaneously, but follow each other or condition each other. Apparently, the shortest example of a narrative text in world literature is Caesar’s famous story: “I came, I saw, I conquered.” It clearly and accurately conveys the essence of the story - this is a story about what happened, happened.

    The narration reveals closely related events, phenomena, and actions as objectively occurring in the past. That is why the main means of such a story are past perfect verbs that replace each other and name actions. Sentences of narrative contexts do not describe actions, but narrate about them, that is, they convey the event itself, the action.

    Narration is intimately connected with space and time. The designation of a place, an action, the name of persons and non-persons performing the actions, and the designation of the actions themselves are linguistic means with the help of which the narrative is told.

    The stylistic functions of the narrative are varied and are associated with individual style, genre, and the subject of the image. The narrative can be more or less objectified, neutral, or, on the contrary, subjective, permeated with the author’s emotions.

    One of the objectified types of narrative is a message disseminated in the media. An example is the article “A terrorist with a screwdriver hijacked a train” from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper:

    At five in the morning, the third carriage of the Vladivostok–Novosibirsk train was sleeping peacefully. And in one compartment real hostilities have already unfolded. When the train approached Zima station, one of the passengers woke up three neighbors and announced that he had taken them hostage. To be convincing, he threatened with a screwdriver. A 40-year-old fellow traveler from Irkutsk tried to resist, but the invader poked him with a screwdriver. The others immediately fell silent. Meanwhile, the terrorist put forward his demands.
    Through the closed door he shouted that he wanted to convey something important to the FSB. There were no security officers on the train, but officers from the line police department were waiting for the train at the Zima station. Sleepy passengers were evacuated from the carriage. They tried to negotiate with the invader for twenty minutes. But the man behaved inappropriately. He was nervous and threatened. The operatives began to fear for the lives of the hostages. And then the senior escort squad - a police warrant officer - opened fire. The terrorist died on the spot from his wound.
    An hour later the train departed safely along the route. The incident is being investigated by the Nizhneudinsk Transport Prosecutor's Office. A criminal case has been initiated under Article 206 of the Criminal Code “hostage-taking”.

    An example of a subjective narrative is the story of the hero of the story A.S. Pushkin's "Shot" about a duel with the count. The narration is told in the first person, all events are passed through the author's perception. Silvio involuntarily concentrates his attention on those key moments that made a special impression on him, hurt his pride, insulted him, etc.:

    It was at dawn. I stood at the appointed place with my three seconds. I waited with inexplicable impatience for my friend. I saw him from afar. He walked on foot, with his uniform on his saber, accompanied by one second. We went to meet him halfway. He approached, holding a cap filled with cherries. The seconds measured out twelve steps for us. I was supposed to shoot first: but the excitement of anger in me was so strong that I did not rely on the fidelity of my hand and, in order to give myself time to cool down, I conceded the first shot to him; my opponent did not agree. They decided to cast lots: the first number went to him, the eternal favorite of happiness. He took aim and shot through my cap. The line was behind me. His life was finally in my hands; I looked at him greedily, trying to catch at least one shadow of concern... He stood under the gun, choosing ripe cherries from his cap and spitting out the seeds, which flew to me. His indifference infuriated me. What good would it do me, I thought, to deprive him of his life when he does not value it at all? An evil thought flashed through my mind. I lowered the gun. “It seems you don’t care about death now,” I told him, “you would like to have breakfast; I don’t want to disturb you...” “You don’t bother me at all,” he objected, “if you please, shoot yourself, but however you wish: your shot remains behind you; I am always ready at your service." I turned to the seconds, announcing that I did not intend to shoot today, and that was how the fight ended.

    With all the variety of specific narrative texts, we can highlight some of the most typical ways of constructing this type of text.

    Answer the questions:

    1. What is storytelling?

    2. What is the structure of the narrative?

    3. What are the linguistic features of the narrative?

    4. What is the purpose of the story?

    Practical tasks.

    Exercise 1. Read the text. Determine the text type. Give reasons for your answer. Identify the linguistic features of this text.


    Almaty Technological University (ATU) dates back to May 10, 1957, when by order of the Ministry of Food Products Industry of the USSR and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR No. 155/548, the Alma-Ata branch of the Institute for the Improvement of Managerial and Engineering Technical Workers was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Higher Education USSR and reorganized into the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry. Ivanova E.F. was appointed director of this Branch.

    1966, June 4. By order of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1501, the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry was transferred to the disposal of the Government of the Kazakh SSR for inclusion in the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry.

    1966, August 11. By order of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR No. 1365-r, the Alma-Ata branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry was renamed the Alma-Ata branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry (AF DTILPP).

    1996, May 7. By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 573, the Alma-Ata branch of the Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry was reorganized into the Almaty Technological Institute (ATI).

    1999, August 18. By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1192, the Almaty Technological Institute was reorganized into a non-profit organization - Closed Joint Stock Company "Almaty Technological University" (CJSC "ATU").

    2003, December 15. Based on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint-Stock Companies” No. 415-P dated May 12, 2003, by decision of the general meeting of shareholders (Minutes No. 14), the closed joint-stock company “Almaty Technological University” was re-registered into the Joint-Stock Company “Almaty Technological University” (JSC ATU").

    Almaty Technological University (ATU) is one of the leading higher education institutions in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which has been training highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel for the food, processing, textile and light industries, service and hospitality industries for 60 years. ATU has been present in the educational services market since 1957 and in recent years has been systematically implementing the principles of the Bologna Declaration, working on the global multi-level model of higher education “Bachelor-Master-Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)”, actively integrating into the global educational space and becoming increasingly recognizable in world.

    The activities of ATU are recognized by the global educational community. Thus, since 2005, ATU has had a Quality Management System (QMS), certified for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001 - 2008. The effectiveness of the ATU quality management system has been confirmed by independent audits conducted by the Russian Register Certification Association, a member of the international certification network. IQNet. The university was awarded an international award in the category “EUROPEAN QUALITY” (European quality) and Gold medals from the International Foundation for High Quality in Business Practice (Switzerland) and the Association for the Promotion of Industry (France). In 2010, ATU signed the Magna Charta Universitatum. The university is entrusted with coordinating the European Union FP-7 program in the direction of “Food and Biotechnology” in the republic; ATU is a collective member of the International Association of Universities; International Student Exchange Association; Club of European University Rectors; International Bibliographical Society; Union of Eurasian Universities; EdNet Consortium.

    The activities of Almaty Technological University are highly appreciated by various international and national structures.

    In the National Ranking of the Best Universities of Kazakhstan-2015 and the ranking of educational programs according to the IAAR, ATU took 10th place among 130 universities, and the main specialized specialties in food and light industry annually take first place in the ranking of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan.

    Mission. ATU sees its mission as providing quality education at the level of the best universities in the world, preservation and dissemination of knowledge.

    Almaty Technological University is a unique university with an established brand, using the latest technologies in science and education, and striving to become one of the best universities in the world.

    Strategic goal. The strategic goal is the successful implementation of the creation of a new university model based on a modern and effective management and quality management system, credit technology and academic mobility of teachers and students, commercialization of the results of scientific and innovative activities of teaching staff, modern infrastructure, an effective system of training and retraining of new generation personnel, effective connections with the business sector, modernization of teaching methods, active development of the online education system and the introduction of effective innovative teaching methods.

    Task 2. Formulate and write down the main idea of ​​the text.

    Task 3. Divide the text into paragraphs, formulate and write down the main ideas of the paragraphs.

    Task 4. Analyze the compositional design of the text: highlighting the beginning, middle part, ending.

    Task 5. Read the text. Identify the functional and semantic types of speech used in this speech work. Make a plan for the text. Highlight the parts that belong to different functional and semantic types of speech. Make a plan for the text.

    Task 6. Prepare a retelling of the text based on the plan.

    Task 7. Read the text. Determine the functional and semantic type of speech of the text.

    Work, study and rest are a necessary state of a person for life.You can maintain efficiency and good health only with the right combination of mental and physical labor, as well as active rest and sleep.

    The work schedule is the basis for high performance. It is determined by the character and determination of the employee. The rhythm of work should be moderate and correctly selected. Work should bring satisfaction, not a feeling of depression. The general mental state of the employee is also influenced by the general climate in the workplace and attitude in the team. The ideal job is an environment that combines a business approach, good relationships, creativity and initiative.

    There is even the term occupational therapy, with which specialists treat many illnesses and mental disorders, including insomnia. As they say, without work, rest is not sweet.

    Rest is required to relieve fatigue and exhaustion, and also helps restore performance. But rest must also be motivated. Otherwise, it turns out that you sleep and sleep, but there is no time to rest. It is better to spend some part of the rest in an active state. After all, a small deed is better than a big idleness.

    Sleep is one of the types of rest. Insufficient rest, like insomnia, leads to overwork and reduces the body's defenses. Sleep is the most complete type of rest, during which intensive restoration of the body takes place. Especially in brain cells.

    The correct work and rest regime allows you to maintain good health and high performance for a long time. In the work-rest regime, a special place is occupied by the alternation of rest and work. When choosing a work and rest regime, an important place is occupied by the general health of a person, his age, climatic conditions, diet and other factors.

    Task 4. Convey the content of the text, adhering to the compositional design of the text: highlighting the beginning, middle part, ending.

    Assignment for SRSP

    1. Read the text. Write down the tips that you find most useful and valuable.

    Staying ahead of fatigue

    The work of the future, or already more than half of the present, is mental work.

    If we feel physical fatigue simultaneously with its onset, and even earlier, then mental fatigue does not have such specific signals and is realized with a great delay. It usually develops gradually, so that it is almost impossible to distinguish it from ordinary work difficulties. The problem is not solved, the plan is not achieved, attention is scattered.

    Rest mentally before you start to notice fatigue. You have probably had enough occasions to notice how long after the start of classes you become thoroughly tired: maybe after three or four hours, after an hour, or even earlier. In any case, the moment you start resting should be slightly ahead of the onset of noticeable fatigue. Choose the average, vary until you learn to automatically anticipate fatigue. Something inside you will quietly but clearly suggest:

    "Now rest."

    How to relax?

    The ancient law: “Rest is a change of activity” always remains in force. If your job is sedentary, then there is no better way to relax than to move around. Take a walk, do something similar to exercise, run, breathe.

    Rest can also be short-term concentrated relaxation and toning. However, the sequence that works best is: movement – ​​relaxation – toning, which can be done in just five minutes. Now the moment has come: rise decisively, get everything out of your head - a few movements (swinging your arms, squats, jumping), and then suddenly throw yourself into relaxation, during which you can concentrate on work again (“this is the only thing that interests me, only this... "), and finally, after a quick light toning, get right back to what you're doing. So, with sharp, frequent, short breaks, you can keep yourself in a state of high performance for a very long time, and this way the best rhythm of work is naturally formed. Of course, here, too, a measure is needed: long breaks with complete distraction and a change in activity are needed, and during these large breaks a flexible rhythm is also needed.

    Relaxation is an art. Rest is work no less important than work itself; and there are exactly as many people who know how to relax well as there are who know how to work well.

    Start taking care of your rest like a mother takes care of her child. Soon, I am sure, you will notice an amazing pattern: the more determinedly you force yourself to rest, the more you will want to work. Of course, only if the work is of at least some vital interest to you. (V. Levi)

    3. How are sentences connected in the text? Is there a continuous movement of thought from one sentence to another? Are the sentences linked to each other? Are there lexical repetitions, lexical and text synonyms, pronouns in the sentences?

    4. Tell me what type of recreation you consider most useful. Use expressions:

    I especially love...

    What I like most is...

    Most often I resort to...

    In many cases I prefer...

    5. Compose a written text on the topic “My school day” in compliance with the basic laws of text structure: compositional clarity, logical presentation, information content, etc.

    6.Prepare for the discussion “Daily routine – is it necessary at all?”

    7. Read the text.

    Your possibilities, student

    What are your capabilities, student? If you pronounce these words in the form of a question, then it is unlikely that many of you to whom they will be addressed will be able to answer them correctly. Not everyone knows their full capabilities. Although, probably more than once, each of you asked yourself: “What am I really, what am I capable of, will I be able to achieve more if I mobilize all my strength, all my capabilities?”

    Scientists have proven that theoretically, human capabilities are unlimited and inexhaustible. And we can safely say that no one knows the limits of their mind. We never get even closer to the limits of our capabilities, and our brains usually work at a tiny fraction of their capacity. Nature has given each of us a colossal loan, but, alas, we do not always use it, we are often lazy to do intellectual gymnastics in order to raise the level of our capabilities to the level of talents and geniuses. Of course, not everyone is given the opportunity to become Einstein, Kolmogorov, Stanislavsky,

    but everyone can - regardless of profession and position - fully reveal their potential.

    There are hundreds of different types of gifts, and humanity needs them all. This could be absolute pitch or exceptional visual memory or lightning-fast reaction, rare mathematical or artistic abilities. It is necessary to develop all talents, to realize all the potential abilities that people possess.

    Do you know the role of self-education and self-improvement? It can be said that the education received by a person achieves its goal only when the person has the strength and will to educate himself throughout the rest of his life and knows the way and means how he can do this.

    True self-improvement always offers a specific goal that a person sets for himself. The path to the formation of a creative, comprehensively developed personality is a long way. And this is not an easy path! How to overcome obstacles that arise on the way to your goal? A properly organized work and rest schedule will help you with this.

    8. Make up questions for the text.

    9. Determine the style of the text.

    10. Give examples from life that prove that human capabilities are limitless.

    Task for SRS

    Compose a narrative text “My daily routine”

    Prepare a monologue on the topic: “Human capabilities are limitless”

    Work and rest schedule

    Course work

    AtiSO, 1997

    1. Introduction.

    Joint work requires unity in the distribution of labor over time - by hour of the day, day of the week and over longer periods of time.

    During the labor process, efficiency, i.e. a person’s ability to perform a certain type of work, and, accordingly, the functional state of the body are subject to changes. Maintaining performance at an optimal level is the main goal of a rational work and rest regime.

    The work and rest schedule is the order of alternating periods of work and rest and their duration established for each type of work. A rational regime is a ratio and content of periods of work and rest in which high labor productivity is combined with high and stable human performance without signs of excessive fatigue for a long time. This alternation of periods of work and rest is observed at various periods of time: during a work shift, day, week, year in accordance with the operating mode of the enterprise.

    The establishment of a socially necessary length of working time and its distribution across calendar periods in an enterprise is achieved by developing rules that provide for the order of alternation and the duration of work and rest periods. This order is usually called the work and rest regime.

    One of the main issues in establishing rational work and rest schedules is identifying the principles for their development. There are three such principles;

    meeting production needs;

    ensuring maximum human performance;

    combination of public and personal interests.

    The first principle is that when choosing the optimal mode of work and rest, it is necessary to determine such parameters that contribute to the best use of production assets and ensure the greatest production efficiency. Work and rest regimes are built in relation to the most rational production regime in order to ensure the normal flow of the technological process, the fulfillment of specified production volumes, high-quality and timely implementation of scheduled preventive maintenance and inspection of equipment while reducing its downtime during working hours.

    The second principle states that it is impossible to build work and rest regimes without taking into account a person’s working capacity and the body’s objective need for rest during certain periods of its working activity. In order to take into account the physiological capabilities of a person (within the framework of legal requirements for labor protection and working hours), it is necessary to develop such a procedure for alternating work and rest time, determine such a duration that would ensure the greatest working capacity and labor productivity.

    The third principle assumes that the work and rest regime should be focused on taking into account and ensuring, to a certain extent, satisfaction of the personal interests of workers and certain categories of workers (women, youth, students, etc.).

    In this regard, it should be noted that a scientifically based work and rest regime at enterprises is one that best ensures a simultaneous combination of increasing working capacity and labor productivity, preserving the health of workers, and creating favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of a person.

    2. Physiological bases for constructing work and rest regimes.

    The development of a work and rest regime is based on solving the following questions: when should breaks be assigned and how many; how long each should be; what is the content of rest?

    The dynamics of human performance is the scientific basis for the development of a rational regime of work and rest. Physiologists have established that performance is a variable value and this is associated with changes in the nature of the flow of physiological and mental functions in the body. High performance in any type of activity is ensured only when the work rhythm coincides with the natural periodicity of the daily rhythm of the physiological functions of the body. Due to the established daily periodicity of life activity at different periods of time, the human body reacts differently to physical and neuropsychic stress, and its performance and labor productivity are subject to certain fluctuations during the day. In accordance with the daily cycle, the highest level of performance is observed in the morning and afternoon hours - from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Minimum performance is at night. The period from 1 to 3–4 am is especially unfavorable.

    Human performance during a work shift is characterized by phase development. The main phases are:

    The phase of working in, or increasing efficiency. During this period, a restructuring of physiological functions occurs from the previous type of human activity to production. Depending on the nature of the work and individual characteristics, this phase lasts from several minutes to 1.5 hours.

    Phase of sustained high performance. It is characterized by the fact that relative stability or even a slight decrease in the intensity of physiological functions is established in the human body. This state is combined with high labor indicators (increased output, reduced defects, reduced working time spent on operations, reduced equipment downtime, erroneous actions). Depending on the severity of the work, the phase of stable performance can be maintained for 2-2.5 hours or more.

    The phase of development of fatigue and the associated decline in performance lasts from several minutes to 1-1.5 hours and is characterized by a deterioration in the functional state of the body and the technical and economic indicators of its work activity.

    The dynamics of work capacity per shift is graphically represented by a curve that increases in the first hours, then passes at the high level achieved and decreases by the lunch break. The described phases of performance are repeated after lunch. At the same time, the start-up phase proceeds faster, and the phase of stable performance is lower in level and shorter than before lunch. In the second half of the shift, the decrease in performance occurs earlier and develops more strongly due to deeper fatigue.

    The dynamics of a person’s performance throughout the day and week are characterized by the same pattern as for performance during a shift. At different times of the day, the human body reacts differently to physical and neuropsychic stress. In accordance with the daily cycle of performance, its highest level is observed in the morning and afternoon hours: from 8 to 12 hours in the first half of the day, and from 14 to 17 hours in the second. In the evening hours, performance decreases, reaching its minimum at night.

    During the day, the lowest performance is usually observed between 12 and 14 hours, and at night - from 3 to 4 hours.

    When constructing weekly work and rest schedules, one should proceed from the fact that a person’s performance is not a stable value during the week, but is subject to certain changes. In the first days of the week, performance gradually increases due to the gradual entry into work.

    Reaching its highest level on the third day, performance gradually decreases, dropping sharply by the last day of the work week. Depending on the nature and severity of the work, fluctuations in weekly working capacity are greater or lesser.

    Based on knowledge of changes in the weekly performance curve, a number of practical issues can be solved. The nature of the weekly performance curve justifies the advisability of establishing a working period of no more than six days.

    With a five-day work week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday, the nature of changes in performance remains the same. However, due to a two-day break in work, some disruption of the dynamic stereotype may occur, and the period of onboarding at the beginning of the week may be more significant.

    In the annual cycle, as a rule, the highest performance is observed in the middle of winter, and in the hot season it decreases.

    Annual work and rest schedules provide for a rational alternation of work with periods of long rest. Such rest is necessary because daily and weekly rest does not completely prevent the accumulation of fatigue. Annual leave is established by law. Its duration depends on the severity of the work, but cannot be less than 15 calendar days. It is advisable to use a vacation of up to 24 days at a time, and for a longer duration - in two stages.

    In accordance with the natural daily rhythm of natural processes, the order of alternating shifts should be carried out: morning, evening, night. However, in a number of enterprises that widely use women’s labor, the reverse rotation order has proven itself to be effective, which makes it possible to lengthen the annual rest after the night shift: a team from the night shift takes up work on the evening shift, and then on the morning shift.

    Developing new work and rest regimes and improving the existing one should be based on the characteristics of changes in working capacity. If the work time coincides with periods of highest performance, the employee will be able to perform maximum work with minimal energy consumption and minimal fatigue.

    3. Types of work and rest regime.

    The operating mode of the enterprise provides for the number of shifts per day, the duration of the shift in hours, the length of the working week and the total operating time of the enterprise or workshop during the calendar period (day, month, quarter, year). Based on this, work and rest regimes are divided into intra-shift, daily, weekly and annual.

    Intra-shift work and rest schedule - the order of alternating work and rest time during a work shift. The basis for the development of any intra-shift work and rest regime is the dynamics of performance. When developing an intra-shift work schedule, taking into account production conditions and the characteristics of each specific type of work, the total amount of time for rest, the distribution of this time throughout the shift (breaks in work and their duration), and the nature of rest are determined.

    It is necessary to distinguish between the total time for rest and personal needs (determined by the relevant standards) and the time for regulated breaks.

    The duration of rest during a shift (regulated breaks) depends mainly on the severity of the work and the conditions of its implementation. In accordance with the recommendations of the Research Institute of Labor, when determining the duration of rest during working hours, it is necessary to take into account the following ten production factors that cause fatigue: physical effort, nervous tension, pace of work, working position, monotony of work, microclimate, air pollution, industrial noise, vibration, lighting . Depending on the strength of the influence of each of these factors on the human body, the time for rest is set.

    The intra-shift work and rest schedule should include a lunch break and short rest breaks. Rest should be regulated, as it is more effective than breaks that occur irregularly, at the discretion of the employee.

    The lunch break is associated with the body’s natural need for rest after several hours of work and the need to eat. It prevents or reduces the decline in performance that occurs in the middle of the working day due to fatigue accumulated during the first half of the shift. Its effectiveness depends on the correct choice of time for a break, duration, content and organization.

    When establishing a lunch break, it is recommended to be guided by the following requirements: provide a lunch break in the middle of the work shift or with a deviation of up to one hour; The duration of the lunch break should be set at 40-60 minutes, so that the employee uses no more than 20 minutes. for eating, and the rest of the time for rest. It consists, on the one hand, of the amount of time required to restore physiological functions to a certain level that ensures relief from fatigue, and on the other hand, of the amount of time required for normal food intake. If a lunch break is set soon after the start of the working day (during the working-in phase or in the phase of high stability of performance), then it is not beneficial and even harmful, since it interferes with the normal formation of the body’s working attitude. In continuous technological processes (chemical, metallurgical, bakery and other enterprises), in underground work in the coal industry, replacement must be provided during the lunch break.

    Short rest breaks are designed to reduce the fatigue that develops during work. Unlike lunch breaks and breaks for personal needs, they are part of working time and are assigned simultaneously to the team of the entire workshop or site. When developing them, it is first necessary to resolve the following issues in each case: total time for regulated breaks; duration of one break; timing of breaks; rest content (active, passive, mixed).

    The number and duration of short-term breaks are determined based on the nature of the labor process, the degree of intensity and severity of work. The reference points for establishing the beginning of rest breaks are the moments of decreased performance. To prevent its decline, a rest break is scheduled before the body becomes fatigued.

    Thus, it is impossible to establish the time of introduction of rest breaks at a particular production site without a special examination. But there is one general point that must be taken into account when assigning breaks: the harder and more intense the work, the earlier in relation to the beginning of the stage of developing fatigue, regulated breaks should be introduced. In the second half of the working day, due to deeper fatigue, the number of rest breaks should be greater than in the first half of the shift. Physiologists have found that for most types of work the optimal break duration is 5-10 minutes. It is this break that allows you to restore physiological functions, reduce fatigue and maintain a working attitude. For jobs that require a lot of stress and attention, more or less frequent, but short breaks (5-10 minutes) are recommended; for heavy work with great physical effort - less frequent, but longer breaks (up to 10 minutes); for especially hard work it is necessary to combine work for 15-20 minutes with rest of the same duration.

    The short duration of breaks allows not only to delay the development of fatigue, but also to maintain a working attitude. With deep fatigue, it is necessary to follow both the line of increasing the number of breaks and the line of increasing their duration. But breaks lasting more than 20 minutes disrupt the already established state of work.

    Rest can be active or passive. Passive rest (sitting, lying down) is necessary for heavy physical work associated with constant transitions or performed while standing, especially under unfavorable environmental conditions. Active rest is recommended for jobs that take place in favorable working conditions. The most effective form of active recreation is industrial gymnastics, that is, performing a special set of gymnastic exercises. Active rest speeds up the recovery of strength, since when changing activities, the energy expended by the working organ is restored faster.

    In each specific case, the appropriate standard regime is selected either according to the fatigue indicator established on the basis of physiological research data, or according to the indicator of quantitative assessment of working conditions, obtained by calculation based on an assessment of individual factors of working conditions.

    The daily work and rest schedule is organized taking into account the regularity of the daily rhythm of human physiological processes. It provides for the establishment of work shifts, start and end times of work in shifts and the duration of shifts.

    In accordance with the daily cycle of the physiological functions of the body, the highest level of performance is observed in the morning and afternoon hours. In this regard, the most effective work is the first shift. However, two- and three-shift work is used, and in conditions of continuous technological processes, three-shift work is mandatory. When working multiple shifts, it is recommended to use shift schedules that minimize night work, which is characterized by minimal productivity. The nature of weekly and annual work and rest schedules is determined by the adopted system of work schedules (or shift schedules).

    In a single-shift mode, work should begin no earlier than 8-9 hours, in a two-shift mode - no earlier than 6 hours (first shift), and end no later than 0 hours (second shift). In a three-shift mode, the start of the night shift should be no later than 0 o'clock.

    The weekly (monthly) work and rest schedule includes a schedule for going to work (shift schedule). It is determined by the number of working and non-working days and hours per week (month), the order of alternating working days and rest days, and alternating work in different shifts.

    Schedules (schedules) for workers and employees to go to work are of no small importance for the rational organization of labor, since they are a form of linking joint work over time, and also affect the degree of use of the equipment installed at the enterprise. They also have important social significance, since for each worker they determine the work and rest schedule during the week and longer calendar periods.

    When constructing shift schedules, the following basic requirements must be taken into account:

    The duration of daily rest between the end of work and its start on the next day (shift) should not be less than 12 hours;

    In shift work where the duration of weekly rest is unequal, it is advisable to provide longer rest before or after the night shift;

    The work schedule should create conditions for the most appropriate use of non-working time.

    When choosing work schedules for individual industries and types of work, you should be guided by special regulations and recommendations.

    The daily operating mode of an enterprise can be one shift, two shifts, three shifts or four shifts.

    The transition to a multi-shift operating mode should be carried out simultaneously with the acceleration of the restructuring of the work of organizations and institutions in the service sector and socio-cultural sectors. In order to increase the interest of workers, foremen and other specialists working on evening and night shifts, a number of additional moral and material incentives, benefits and advantages are introduced for them.

    Organization of multi-shift work requires compliance with the following six conditions:

    –equality of production volume and constancy of the working staff across shifts;

    – the same level of planning, technical guidance and service on all shifts;

    – a clear delineation of responsibility of workers in different shifts for compliance with the technological process, safety of objects and means of labor, as well as products;

    – accurate accounting of the output of shifts, sections and individual workers;

    –properly organized delivery and acceptance of shifts;

    – strict adherence to the exit of workers on shifts according to the established schedule.

    The main parameters of the shift schedule for multi-shift work are the duration of the work shift, the number of teams and shifts, the order and frequency of rotation in shifts, the duration of rest between shifts, and the working period.

    When developing work schedules, the following five requirements must be taken into account:

    –compliance with the weekly working hours established by law;

    – taking into account the specific features of production technology and the capabilities of urban transport;

    –constancy and uniformity of alternation of work and rest, which ensures better rest, increased endurance and performance;

    – taking into account the physiological patterns of human performance at different times of the day.

    Shift schedules in which the duration of work shifts and rest deviate from normal must provide for additional days of rest and work within a month; in case of two- and three-shift work, the transition from one shift to another is recommended no more than after 5-6 days; The order of alternating shifts, if possible, should be carried out in accordance with the daily rhythm of natural processes: morning - evening - night.

    In order for the schedule for going to work to be rational, when determining the duration of the working period, it is necessary to keep in mind the dynamics of working capacity depending on the duration of the shift, the nature and working conditions. The normal working hours of workers and employees at enterprises, construction sites, institutions, and organizations cannot exceed 41 hours per week.

    When developing schedules, it is also very important to resolve the issue of the structure of the working period. There are two forms of working period structure: simple and complex. One of the most important features of the simple form is that the worker works only one shift during the working period, while the complex form alternates shifts during the working period.

    The length of rest between shifts and the duration of weekends largely depend on the correct determination of the duration of the working period and its structure.

    A large number of work schedules apply. Adapted to local production conditions, they differ in the duration of the work shift, the number of shift teams, the frequency and order of rotation of teams in shifts, etc.

    Correctly constructed work schedules must satisfy the following basic requirements:

    – the duration of daily rest must be at least twice the duration of work preceding the rest. Daily rest (during shift work) of shorter duration may be allowed as an exception, but in any case it cannot be less than 8 hours;

    – in shift work with unequal duration of weekly rest, it is advisable to provide longer rest before or after the night shift;

    –work time and rest time must be alternated regularly and evenly;

    – in shift schedules in which the duration of work shifts and rest deviates from normal, additional days of rest and work should be provided within a month;

    – during two- and three-shift work, transitions from one shift to another cannot be carried out more than every five or six days.

    In practice, approximate schedules for going to work are used for a five-day work week with two days off.

    The main issues of working hours at enterprises are regulated by internal labor regulations, which are approved by work collectives on the proposal of the administration and the trade union committee.

    3.1. Flexible working hours (FWH)

    Recently, non-standard work and rest regimes, and in particular the flexible working time regime (GW), have found application. Their peculiarity and value is that they contribute to the optimal combination of public and personal interests, increasing the content and improving working conditions, and more fully realizing the reserves for increasing production efficiency.

    A flexible working time regime is a form of organization of working time in which a single time of daily mandatory presence at their workplaces and working time intervals, the duration of which the employee determines at his own discretion, are established for individual employees or teams of departments. At the same time, a mandatory condition is the full completion of the total number of working hours established by law during a certain accounting period (day, week, month, etc.). A feature of the GDV is that it provides workers with a certain independence in regulating the start, end and total duration of the working day while ensuring the normal progress of production.

    Working time for GDV is divided into two parts: flexible (sliding) and fixed periods of working time. Flexible - at the beginning and end of the working day, when the employee can independently change the start and end times of work, ensuring, however, the development of the overall balance of time worked for the accounting period. A fixed period of working time is a part of the working day (shift) when all employees are required to work at their workplaces. This allows us to ensure the normal functioning of departments and maintain the necessary contacts between employees.

    A sliding (flexible) schedule can be used for female workers both with a five-day, six-day working week, and with other work schedules at enterprises in all sectors of the national economy. There is no single mode for using the schedule. Its application depends on production and local. conditions. It can be introduced in various variants with different working and rest time regimes. However, an indispensable condition for all schedules must be compliance with the annual work balance, time calculated from a seven-hour working day with a six-day working week.

    A sliding (flexible) work schedule, as a rule, should include time when female workers are required to be at their workplace; the time within which workers have the right to start and finish work at their own discretion, as well as breaks (no less than 30 minutes and no more than 2 hours) that workers must use for rest and food. These breaks do not count towards working hours (time spent at the enterprise).

    An indispensable condition for the effective use of a sliding (flexible) schedule is accurate recording of time worked and effective control over the most complete and rational use of working time by each employee.

    As the practice of a number of enterprises and organizations in various sectors of the national economy shows, there are real opportunities to use sliding (flexible) schedules not only for women with children, but also for a wider contingent of workers. According to incomplete data, throughout the country, flexible working time regimes have been introduced at approximately 80 industrial enterprises, in research and development organizations of various ministries and departments.

    Under GDV conditions, the minimum duration of working time per day must coincide with the duration of fixed working hours.

    A mandatory element of the GDV regime is the accounting period - calendar time during which the full working out of the number of hours established by law (working day, working week, etc.) must be ensured. Depending on this, there may be flexible working shifts, weeks, months.

    However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the work of the workforce in the conditions of application of the GDV regime largely depends on the correct consideration of the nature of work at specific workplaces, in divisions (sites, workshops, departments) and the identification of categories for which a transfer to the GDV regime is possible and appropriate.

    The opportunity to work under the GDV regime is available for almost all types of workers, if its use does not lead to a violation of the technology of the production (or management) process, disruption of production relations and disorganization or deterioration of the work of other production units, infringement of the interests of third-party organizations and individual citizens, and does not cause material damage to the national economy.

    Due to the fact that the GDV regime involves significant individualization of working hours, the main condition for its use is sufficient autonomy of workplaces, controllability of the results of the performer’s work (volume, quality).

    At industrial enterprises, the main limiting factor for the use of the GDV mode is the continuity of technological processes. In conditions of a discontinuous production cycle, its implementation is possible both with individual and with team and continuous work organization. The spread of brigade organization of work contributes to the transition to the GDV regime, as it increases the level of interchangeability of team members and the level of mutual control over the use of working time.

    When making a decision to prepare a unit or enterprise for the transition to the GDV regime, it is necessary to ensure a high level of organization of production, labor and labor discipline. Therefore, the work on transferring to the GDV mode must be combined with the implementation of a set of measures to improve the level of labor organization at specific workplaces, areas, workshops and departments.

    Practice shows that the introduction of GDV entails the need to introduce systems for individual planning of working time and the volume of work performed. Plans must be specific for each person working in GDV mode for a month, week, shift. At the same time, a system of monitoring and self-monitoring over the implementation of individual plans should be established.

    Based on the duration of the adopted accounting period and a number of other conditions, several types of flexible working time regimes are distinguished. Flexible working hours, flexible working weeks and especially flexible working months apply.

    Each of these modes can be in two versions, depending on whether a certain amount of unworked (overworked) working hours is transferred to the next accounting period or not.

    Flexible working time regimes are effective only if the transition to them takes into account the peculiarities of production, the conditions and nature of work of a particular category of workers and if they are introduced where it is realistic and appropriate.

    4. Conclusion. Social and economic efficiency of improving work and rest regimes.

    When rationalizing daily work and rest schedules, efficiency largely depends on how correctly the patterns of the daily rhythm of human physiological processes are taken into account, i.e. is that when choosing the optimal mode of work and rest, it is necessary to determine such parameters that contribute to the best use of production assets and ensure the greatest production efficiency.

    The experience and results of using various types of GDV regimes both in our country and abroad indicate their great socio-economic feasibility.

    Thus, when choosing the optimal mode of work and rest, an integrated socio-economic approach is needed. The purpose of this approach is a complete and comprehensive assessment of its optimization from the point of view of taking into account personal and public interests, the interests of production and the physiological capabilities of a person.

    Example: Let's consider the economic efficiency of improving work and rest regimes.

    On the assembly line of a watch factory, the work of assemblers is characterized by high tension and monotony. A study of the work and rest schedule showed that, apart from the lunch break, no pauses regulated by breaks are used. In order to improve changes in work and rest schedules, it is proposed to introduce five-minute rest breaks after every hour of work. Research conducted after the implementation of this event showed that the level of work performance among female workers increased from 3 hours to 4.5 hours per shift.

    Let's calculate the increase in labor productivity caused by this event:

    where P and P1 are the phases of maximum performance,

    Кп - reduction coefficient (equal to 0.2)

    those. labor productivity increased by 7.5%


    1. Basics of labor organization in an enterprise. Tutorial.

    Edited by A.I. Rofe M.1994

    2. Fundamentals of scientific organization of labor in an enterprise. Tutorial. Edited by I.A. Polyakova. M.1987

    Work and rest regimes are the regulated duration and alternation of periods of work and rest during a shift, day, week, established depending on the characteristics of labor processes and ensuring the maintenance of high performance and health of workers. The following work and rest modes are distinguished: intra-shift, daily, weekly, annual.

    The intra-shift mode is established taking into account the phase changes in performance during the day and the nature of the work. The task of establishing a rational regime of work and rest is to ensure rapid absorption of workers, maximize the period of stable high performance, and reduce the fatigue phase.

    A quantitative indicator of the rationality of the intra-shift work and rest regime is the proportion of the period of high performance in the working period. The optimal value in the first half of the shift is 75%, in the second - 65%. A private indicator reflecting the level of performance is the frequency and severity of occupational injuries.

    The annual work and rest regime determines the alternation of working periods with periods of long rest associated with regular annual vacations, which are necessary to maintain health, ensure high performance and longevity. Flexible working time regimes that combine periods of flexible and fixed time have great potential for improving work and rest regimes.

    Work and rest are a necessary human condition for life. You can maintain efficiency and good health only with the right combination of mental and physical labor, as well as active rest and sleep. The work schedule is the basis for high performance. It is determined by the character and determination of the employee. The rhythm of work should be moderate and correctly selected. Otherwise…

    Work should bring satisfaction, not a feeling of depression. The general mental state of the employee is also influenced by the general climate in the workplace and attitude in the team. The ideal job is an environment that combines a business approach, good relationships, creativity and initiative.

    Sleep is one of the types of rest. Insufficient rest, like insomnia, leads to overwork and reduces the body's defenses. Sleep is the most complete type of rest, during which intensive restoration of the body takes place. Especially in brain cells. Insomnia

    There is even the term occupational therapy, with which specialists treat many illnesses and mental disorders, including insomnia. As they say, without work, rest is not sweet. mental disorders The correct regime of work and rest allows you to maintain good health and high performance for a long time. In the work-rest regime, a special place is occupied by the alternation of rest and work. When choosing a work and rest regime, an important place is occupied by the general health of a person, his age, climatic conditions, diet and other factors.

    The establishment of a socially necessary length of working time and its distribution across calendar periods in an enterprise is achieved by developing rules that provide for the order of alternation and the duration of work and rest periods. This order is usually called the work and rest regime. One of the main issues in establishing rational work and rest schedules is identifying the principles for their development. There are three such principles: meeting production needs; ensuring maximum human performance; combination of public and personal interests.

    Intra-shift work and rest schedule - the order of alternating work and rest time during a work shift. The basis for the development of any intra-shift work and rest regime is the dynamics of performance. When developing an intra-shift work schedule, taking into account production conditions and the characteristics of each specific type of work, the total amount of time for rest, the distribution of this time throughout the shift (breaks in work and their duration), and the nature of rest are determined.

    Rest can be active or passive. Passive rest (sitting, lying down) is necessary for heavy physical work associated with constant transitions or performed while standing, especially under unfavorable environmental conditions. Active rest is recommended for jobs that take place in favorable working conditions. The most effective form of active recreation is industrial gymnastics, that is, performing a special set of gymnastic exercises. Active rest speeds up the recovery of strength, since when changing activities, the energy expended by the working organ is restored faster.

    In the 21st century, society's demands on teachers are much higher than in the previous century. But these requirements cannot be met unless favorable conditions are created for teaching and educational work at school. The personality of the teacher is of no small importance for solving educational and educational problems in educational institutions. The quality of training sessions largely depends not only on the professionalism of the teacher, but also on his internal state - on physical and mental health. As you know, the health of the child is directly dependent on the health of the teacher. The personality of the teacher and his life should be a model of the path of health, and, consequently, morality and wisdom of children and adolescents.

    In recent years, programs have begun to be actively developed aimed at preserving and maintaining the health of schoolchildren. However, very rarely does it come to the health of the teacher himself, who daily finds himself in the same conditions as students, but due to the specifics of his work, is more susceptible to increasing factors of social tension in society. The work of a teacher is a constant return of mental strength and a constant, often abrupt, change of situations. Statistics show that recently, among teachers of various educational institutions, the number of diseases of the nervous system, speech organs, musculoskeletal system, and vascular system has increased. In this regard, we found the topic of research on teacher health interesting.

    In clarifying issues related to the specifics of a teacher’s work, a lot of valuable information is provided by studying and comparing the professional activities of rural and urban teachers. It is known that the main risk factors for teachers’ work are: - increased psycho-emotional stress; - significant voice load when performing professional duties; - predominance of static load in the process of work with insignificant total muscle and motor load; - a large amount of intense visual work; - high density of epidemic contacts. Each of these main risk factors for teaching work can contribute to the emergence of occupationally determined types of pathology of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems

    If you don’t start working on yourself, don’t learn to restore your vitality and relieve stress, then you can soon move from the group with an average risk of relapse to the next group. In 17°/o teachers, there is depletion of vitality and a high level of breakdown of defense mechanisms.

    Of the 30 teachers surveyed, only one adheres to the diet, while the rest do not adhere to it, sometimes even going without breakfast and lunch. This attitude towards diet is associated with heavy workload. And this is where your attitude towards your health comes into play. It was also found that teachers (77%) do not do exercises. Only (10%) of the teachers surveyed, if possible, allocate time for physical education and sports on their days off. All the teachers surveyed have a fairly good memory.

    Teachers often complain that it is difficult for them to withstand a heavy vocal load: their voice gets tired and takes their breath away. Most of these shortcomings are due to their lack of proper speech breathing skills. In this regard, the school administration needs to provide for the implementation of hygienic preventive measures to preserve the voice and prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For example, correctly plan the teaching load for each teacher during the day and during the week; improve classroom acoustics; maintain indoor microclimate standards; create favorable conditions for teachers to rest during breaks, etc.

    From our own research we can conclude: teachers with extensive teaching experience (20-25 years) are more susceptible to occupational diseases than teachers with less work experience. Starting from 15 years of experience, rural and urban teachers already have chronic diseases of various body systems. The main task of psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis in the work of a teacher is to normalize the moral and psychological climate in the team, interpersonal relationships, and neutralize factors that increase psycho-emotional stress. It is very useful for a teacher to master the technique of autogenic training, which is a highly effective method that allows one to relieve fatigue, avoid overwork, improve well-being, and manage the emotional state.